Applies the following effects to all enemies when this character enters the battlefield:
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.
Inflicts "Tag:
Super Saiyan" with Attribute Downgrade "-30% to Critical Rate" for 20 timer counts.
Applies the following effects to self every time the enemy uses a Special Move or Special Arts Card while this character is on the battlefield or on standby:
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Reduces damage received by 20% for 10 timer counts (cannot be stacked).
The following effects occur when this character is switched to standby:
Restores ally Ki by 20.
Gradually restores own health each timer count for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Strike Damage Received" for 10 timer counts.