The following effects occur when this character performs a Vanishing Step:
Shortens allies' substitution counts by 2.
Reduces enemy Ki by 30.
Applies the following effects to self every time when hit with an enemy's Strike or Blast Arts attack while this character is on the battlefield:
Restores health by 3%
+10% to Health Restoration for 15 timer counts.
The following effects occur when changing cover:
Shortens allies' substitution counts by 2.
Randomly destroys 1 enemy card.
The following effects occur when this character is switched to standby:
Restores own health by 10%.
Restores ally Ki by 30.
Also applies the following effects to allies if a "Tag:
Powerful Opponent" or "Episode:
Sagas From the Movies" other than this character is a battle member:
+50% to Special Move damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+30% to Ultimate and Awakened damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.