Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield if there is a "Tag:
Android" battle member other than this character in the party:
+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled) (cannot be stacked).
+30% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled) (cannot be stacked).
Applies the following effects to self depending on the number of timer counts elapsed from battle start while this character is not defeated:
15 counts elapsed: -5 to Strike & Blast Arts costs (cannot be cancelled).
30 counts elapsed: Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level (cannot be cancelled).
50 counts elapsed: Restores health by 40%.
170 counts elapsed: Increases own Dragon Balls by 7.
The following effects occur when changing cover:
Reduces damage received by 20% until combo ends.
Randomly destroys 1 enemy card.