
Fine, whatever. Though it would've looked really cool...

Fine, whatever. Though it would've looked really cool...
Gold equipment. Grants a slot effect to the equipped character if they have met certain conditions.
Slot 1 Base Strike Attack 5~12%(8.5%)(10.6%)
Base Blast Attack 5~12%(8.5%)(10.6%)
Slot 2 Base Health 5~10%(7.5%)(9%)
Slot 3 Base Blast Attack 5~10%(7.5%)(9%)
5~10% to Strike & Blast Defense if this character is "Tag: Kids".(7.5%)(9%)

Rank Calculator

Slot 1
Base Strike Attack %
Base Blast Attack %
Slot 2
Base Health %
Slot 3
Base Blast Attack %
% to Strike & Blast Defense if this character is "Tag: Kids".

Applicable Characters

Beast Gohan
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Ultimate Gohan
Beast Gohan
Super Saiyan Gohan & Trunks (Youth)
Super Saiyan 2 & Super Saiyan God SS Trunks (Adult) & Vegeta
Ultimate Gohan
Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult)
Super Trunks
Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan Gohan
Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Rage)
Super Saiyan Goten (Kid)
Bulla: Vegeta (Assist)
Pan: Trunks & Giru (Assist)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
Ultimate Gohan
Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
Trunks (Parasitism) Baby
Gohan (Kid): Piccolo (Assist)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Rage)
Trunks: Mai (Assist)
Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan 2 Trunks (Adult)
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 (Assist)
Super Saiyan Goten (Kid)
Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen)
Super Saiyan Gotenks
Goten (Kid)
Gohan (Adult)
Trunks (Kid)
Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen)
Great Saiyaman 1
Ultimate Gohan
Trunks (Teen)
Super Saiyan Gohan
Super Saiyan Gotenks
Super Saiyan 2 Trunks (Adult)
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid)
Super Saiyan Goten (Kid)
Super Trunks
Gohan (Kid)
Trunks (Youth)
Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
Gohan (Kid) & Krillin
Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen)
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth)
Gohan & Trunks (Youth)
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Super Trunks
Gohan (Kid)
Gohan (Kid)
Trunks (Youth)
Trunks (Kid)
Trunks (Teen)
Pan: Honey
Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
Gohan (Youth)
Trunks (Kid)
Goten (Kid)
Trunks (Teen)
Gohan (Kid)