Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+130% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by
50% (cannot be cancelled).
+50% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
-5 to Strike & Blast Arts costs (cannot be cancelled).
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level (cannot be cancelled).
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
Restores health by
10% and Ki by 30.
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts (cannot be cancelled).
Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's special actions that activate when changing cover" for 10 timer counts.
Also applies the following effects to self if there are 2 defeated battle members:
Randomly destroys 1 of your own cards and draws the Ultimate Arts Card "Meteor Explosion" next.
Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's 'Destroy Card' effects" for 15 timer counts.
The following effects occur if own remaining health is
50% or below after being hit by an enemy's Arts attack while this character is on the battlefield (activates once):
Restores own health by
Enhances own Special Move Arts.
Enhances own Ultimate Arts.
Shortens allies' substitution counts by 5.
Destroys all of your enemy's cards.
Reduces enemy Ki by 100.