
New Year's Greetings

12/31/2018 09:00 AM (CST) ~ 01/09/2019 12:00 AM (CST)
Happy New Year!
We hope everyone of you had an unforgettable year in Dragon Ball Legends.
Thanks to all your support, we could look back at 2018 with the warmest of memories. May the new year bring even more pleasurable episodes to Dragon Ball Legends!
Please accept the following item in celebration of the new year.

Affected Players

Players with accounts, as of 01/04/2019 12:00 AM (CST).

Present Items

  • 1 New Year Rising Summon Ticket
  • *This Summon Ticket can be used in the "New Year Rising" Summon.

    Available Period

    From 12/31/2018 09:00 AM (CST)
    Until 01/04/2019 12:00 AM (CST)
    *It may take time for the item (s) to appear as they are not sent simultaneously.
    Our team will continue to commit ourselves to make sure the game's first year, and every year after that, a fun experience for everyone.
    Let us hereby invite you to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends also in 2019.
    Dragon Ball Legends Management Team