
"New Year Rising" now on!

12/31/2018 09:00 AM (CST) ~ 01/09/2019 12:00 AM (CST)

Event Period

From 12/31/2018 09:00 AM (CST)
Until 01/31/2019 12:00 AM (CST)

Event Information

The limited SPARKING Summons where you can use New Year Rising Summon Tickets from Happy Bags is on now!
There are loads of past Legends Rising and STEP-UP SPARKING Characters!

SPARKING Characters

Super Saiyan God Goku
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Dragon Smash
Deals major Impact damage.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades on hit (activates once).
Main Ability
Behold the Power of a God!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Limitbreaker Kamehameha" next.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Limitbreaker Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
+5 to enemy substitution count for 15 timer counts on hit.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+20% to own Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+17% to "Tag: God Ki" max base health during battle.
Unique Ability
Realm of Gods
The following effects activate when battle begins:

Applies Buff Effect: "Nullify Attribute Downgrades up to 2 times" to self.
Applies Buff Effect: "Nullify Abnormal Conditions up to 2 times" to self.
+50% to own Ki Recovery for 5 timer counts when Ki is 30 or lower after using an Arts Card.
+30% to damage inflicted when a "Tag: Saiyan" other than this character is a battle member.
+30% to Strike damage inflicted & restores own health by 30% when 2 allies are downed.
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Kaioken Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+15% to Strike damage received" to enemy for 15 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
I'll Show You The Kaioken!
Transform into "2x Kaioken".
Transformation lasts for 60 timer counts.

Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: BLU" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
I'm Gettin' Excited...!
+15% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts every time own attack is evaded with a Vanishing Step.
3x Kaioken's Toll
If Special Arts are used during transformation, the following effects activate when transformation ends:

+30% to damage received by self (cannot be cancelled)
-30% to damage inflicted by self (cannot be cancelled)
-30% to own Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled)
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Galick Gun
Deals major Impact damage.
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Main Ability
Overwhelming Power
Restore own health by 25%.
+30% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+35% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Explosive Wave
+25% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+15% to damage received" to enemy for 20 timer counts on hit.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: GRN" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Restore own health by 20% & +30% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts when own health reaches 0 (activates once).
Crisis: Strike Cost DOWN
-5 to own Strike Arts cost when 2 allies are defeated.
Super Saiyan Broly
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Special Move
Planet Crusher
Deals massive Explode damage.
Randomly destroys 2 enemy cards on hit.
Cannot be nullified by most other Special Moves.
Main Ability
Uncontrollable Anger
Transform into "Full Power".
Restore own health by 20%.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Energy Rampage
+20% to own Blast damage for 20 timer counts.
Reduces enemy Ki by 50 & inflicts Forced Switching on hit.
*Blast Damage Armor on charge.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+21% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Destruction's Aim
Nullifies own unfavorable Element factors for 10 timer counts every time character enters the battlefield (activates twice).
The following effects occur according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character (up to 2 levels).

5 counts: Increase Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level.
15 counts: Increase Arts Card Draw Speed by 2 levels.

Effect resets after character switch or transformation.
Clash of Powers
The following effects activate depending on how much damage this character takes in proportion to their maximum health after enemy attack is over:

5%-35% damage: +20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
35% damage or more: +40% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Super Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Strike Damage Received" to enemy for 15 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Let's Get This Going
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Neo Super Dragon Fist" next.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Neo Super Dragon Fist
Deals massive Impact damage.
25% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+25% to Strike damage inflicted and -5 to own Strike Arts cost for 15 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+21% to "Tag: Saiyan" base Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Not Used to the Change Yet
+20% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield.
The following effects also occur depending on the number of timer counts elapsed since the start of the battle.

15 counts elapsed: +20% to damage inflicted
30 counts elapsed: +30% to own Ki Recovery
40 counts elapsed: +30% to Strike damage inflicted
Anti-Regeneration: Strike Atk UP
+40% to Strike damage inflicted against "Tag: Regeneration".
Majin Vegeta
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Final Impact
Deals major Pierce damage.
50% chance to inflict Heavy Bleed on hit.
+30% to own Self-Destruct damage inflicted for 25 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Not Going to Hell Alone
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Final Explosion" next.

Requirements: 30 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Final Explosion
Deals major Self-Destruct damage.
This Self-Destruct damage does not depend on your own health, but deals a fixed amount of damage.
Applies Strike and Blast Arts armor and nullifies Abnormal Conditions when activated.
A portion of the damage inflicted will also be dealt to enemy members on standby (this cannot cause them to be defeated).
Special Skill
Superior Tenacity
+15% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Reduce activation time of Ultimate Arts Card "Final Explosion" (up to 3 times).
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Tag: Saiyan" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Cold and Cruel Saiyan
+50% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+30% damage received" to all other allies for 20 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield.
Fate (Goku): Ki Recovery UP
+50% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts when faced with enemy "Character: Goku".
Goku Black
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Special Move
Black Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Blast Damage
Received" to enemy for 15 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Welcome Pain
The following effects occur based on the amount of health left.

[Health is 50% and up]
+50% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.

[Health is below 50%]
Restores own health by 20% and +35% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Body Grows Familiar
+30% to own Vanishing Gauge Recovery for 15 timer counts.
The following effects also occur depending on the number of timer counts elapsed since the start of the battle.

15 counts elapsed: +20% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
25 counts elapsed: +20% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts and +25% to Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Utopia's Beginning
+30% damage inflicted to the following tags.

Tag: Saiyan
Tag: Hybrid Saiyan
Glory: Blast Atk UP
+35% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts every time this character defeats an enemy.
Android #18
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Infinity Bullet
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Strike Damage Received" for 15 timer counts on hit.
40% chance to inflict Paralyze.
Main Ability
Cool Beauty
Draw a Special Move Arts Card next.
+40% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.

Requirements: 5 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Speed
Restores own Ki by 50 and Vanishing Gauge by 40%.
+5 cost to own Special Arts cost per use (max +25).
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to Element: BLU base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Assault: Strike Cost DOWN
-10 to own Strike Arts cost from battle start for 30 timer counts.
Against Hybrid Saiyans: Strike Atk UP
+40% to Strike damage inflicted against Tag: Hybrid Saiyan.
Additional +30% to Strike damage against Tag: Hybrid Saiyan when Character: Krillin is a battle member.
Super Gogeta
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Soul Punisher
Deals massive Explode damage.
20% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
Main Ability
I'm Gonna Take You Down!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Judgment" next.
Restore own health by 20%.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Deals massive Explode damage.
Ki restored by 50.
Special Skill
Just Give Up
Counter will activate upon enemy's tap attack or Strike Arts attack while in fighting pose.
Once the counter is activated, enemy's attribute upgrades & buff effects will be erased,
and +20% to own Strike damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+20% to Tag: Fusion Warrior base Strike Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Ultimate Fusion
+10% to own Strike Arts damage for 10 timer counts upon landing a Strike Arts hit.
+10% to own Blast Arts damage for 10 timer counts upon landing a Blast Arts hit.
I'll Avenge You
+20% to damage inflicted for each downed ally.
+50% to Ki Restoration Speed when allied Character: Paikuhan is defeated.
Super Janemba
Battle Style
Defense Type
Special Move
Lightning Shower Rain
Deals major Explode damage.
Restores Vanishing Gauge by 50% on hit.
Main Ability
Spatial Control
Draw a Special Arts Card next.
+15 cost to Strike Arts cost to all enemies for 10 timer counts.

Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Dimension Guard
Counter will activate upon enemy's tap shot or Blast Arts attack while in fighting pose.
Once the counter is activated, +20% to own Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+20% to Tag: Regeneration base Strike Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Nullify: Attribute Downgrade
Nullifies own Attribute Downgrades for 10 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield.
Boost: Inflicted Dmg UP
+20% to damage inflicted for each downed opponent when this character enters the battlefield.
World Champion Hercule
Battle Style
Defense Type
Special Move
Dynamite Kick
Deals major Impact damage.
Shortens allies' substitution count by 10.
Main Ability
It's a Trick!
Changes Blast Arts cost of all enemies' Ki blast attacks to 99 for 15 timer counts.

Requirements: 20 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Premature Victory Declaration
Destroys all of your own and enemy's cards.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
-5 to Special Move Arts cost during battle.
Unique Ability
Champion Call
After being hit, if your remaining health is below 30%, "Champion Call" breaks out. The following effects activate until the character is defeated. (Activates once)

+20% to allies' inflicted damage
+30% to allies' Ki Restoration Speed
Restore own health by 20% only once when it reaches 0.
Demon King Piccolo
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Evil Explosion
Deals major Explode damage.
The following effects occur based on the amount of health you have left:

Health is 70% or less: +10% to Special Move damage for 15 timer counts
Health is 50% or less: +30% to Special Move damage for 15 timer counts
Health is 30% or less: +50% to Special Move damage for 15 timer counts
Main Ability
Countdown to Despair
Takes your opponent's Dragon Balls and adds them to your own.
Effects will change according to how many Dragon Balls they have.

2 or more: Take 2, Gain 2
1: Take 1, Gain 1
None: No Effect

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+10% to own Strike damage for 15 timer counts.
Destroys all of your cards and randomly draws four new ones.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+25% to Tag: Regeneration base Strike Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
The Demon King Terror
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+2 to substitution count" for 15 timer counts every time character enters the battlefield.
Overflowing Youth
Gradually recovers health for 15 timer counts with each count when character enters the battlefield.
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth)
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Super Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+10% to Impact Damage Received" to enemy for 15 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
This Is Unforgivable
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Soaring Dragon Strike" next.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Soaring Dragon Strike
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "-100% to Health Restoration" to enemy for 15 timer counts on hit.
Special Skill
Unleashed Rage
+15% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Nullifies own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions for 15 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to Tag: Hybrid Saiyan base Strike Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Awakening Power
+15% to own Strike damage inflicted for each downed ally when this character goes on the battlefield.
Increases own Ki Restoration Speed based on the number of downed enemy when this character goes on the battlefield:

1 enemy: +30% to Ki Restoration Speed
2 enemies: +50% to Ki Restoration Speed
Fury: Inflicted Dmg UP
The following effects occur based on the amount of health you have left after being hit:

[Health is 50% and up]
+10% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.

[Health is below 50%]
+50% to damage inflicted (activates once).
Super Saiyan Goku
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Ultimate Fist
Deals major Impact damage.
+50% to own Special Move Arts power for 15 timer counts.
Main Ability
Strike of Fury
Draw a Special Move Arts Card next.
+35% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.
+30% to Special Move damage inflicted against Character: Broly for 15 timer counts.

Requirements: 20 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Entrusted Power
Enhances the next Special Move Arts Card used based on the number of remaining allies.

3 allies: +10% to Special Move damage
2 allies: +30% to Special Move damage
Current character only: +50% to Special Move damage

+5 to own Special Arts cost each time used (max +15).
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to Tag: Saiyan base Strike Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Crisis: Inflicted Dmg UP
+20% to damage inflicted when 2 allies are defeated.
Crisis: Draw Special Arts Card
Draw a Special Arts Card next when 2 allies are defeated.
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Final Spirit Cannon
Deals major Explode damage.
+20% to own Special Move Arts power for 15 timer counts.
Main Ability
I Will Defeat You!
All enemies are Switch Restricted for 10 timer counts.
+40% to Strike damage inflicted for 10 counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Quiet Rage
+50 to Ki Recovery & cancel Attribute Downgrades.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to Tag: Saiyan base
Strike Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
The Saiyan Traitor
+30% to Strike Damage inflicted when 2 allies are downed.
+35% to Strike Damage inflicted for each downed enemy for 20 timer counts.
Team Up (Saiyan): Ki Recovery UP
+20% to Ki Recovery when
Tag: Saiyan is a
battle member.
1st Form Frieza
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Special Move
Deals major Explode damage.
+25% to own Special Move Arts power for 10 timer counts.
Cannot be nullified by most other Special Moves.
Main Ability
Nefarious Gambit
Draw a Special Move Arts card next.
+50% to own Special Move Arts power for 10 timer counts.

Requirements: 20 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
-5 to own Special Move Arts cost for 15 timer counts.
Immobilizes enemy.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: BLU" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Anti-Saiyan: Blast Atk UP
+40% to Blast Damage
inflicted against Tag: Saiyan.
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Special Move
Death Beam
Deals major Pierce damage.
Causes enemy to receive 25% more Blast damage for 15 timer counts.
Main Ability
Levelheaded Will
Recover 50 Ki & increases Card Draw Speed by one level for 15 timer counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Destructive Ray
Inflicts bleed, destroys three of enemy's cards at random, and decreases enemy's Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
20% chance to inflict Faint.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+20% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Assault: Special Move Arts Power UP
+80% to Special Move Arts Power from battle start for 35 timer counts.
Boost: Blast Atk UP
+25% to Blast Damage inflicted for each opponent defeated by the current character.
Unlocked at Master Class
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Special Move
Kill Driver
Deals major Impact damage.
Causes enemies to receive 15% more Blast damage for 15 timer counts.
Main Ability
The Joy of Destruction
-15 to own Blast Arts cost for 10 timer counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Fruit of the Tree of Might
Restores own health by 10%.
1-3 of the following effects will also occur at random.

+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
+15% to Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.
+50% to Vanishing Gauge Recovery for 10 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: PUR" base Strike Attack and Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Anti-Son Family: Blast Attack UP
+10% to Blast damage inflicted against Tag: Son Family.
Assault: Sustained Damage CUT
Reduce damage received by 30% from battle start for 25 timer counts.
Unlocked at Master Class
Battle Style
Defense Type
Special Move
One-Handed Spirit Bomb
Deals massive Explode damage.
+60% to Critical Rate for 20 timer counts.
Main Ability
Unyielding Spirit
Restore own health by 20% & draw a Special Move Arts card next.

Requirements: 20 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Lend Me Your Energy!
Enhances the next Special Move Arts Cards used (up to 2).

Card 1: +80% to Special Move Arts Power.
Card 2: +160% to Special Move Arts Power.
Has a 70% chance to inflict Faint.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: PUR" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Crisis: Strike Attack UP
+30% to Strike Damage inflicted when 2 allies are defeated.
Crisis: Special Move Arts Power UP
+80% to own Special Move Arts Power when 2 allies are downed.
Unlocked at Master Class
Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Blaster Shell
Deals major Explode damage.
Causes enemy to receive 15% more Strike damage for 15 timer counts.
30% chance to inflict Faint.
Main Ability
Say Goodnight!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Gigantic Meteor" next.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Gigantic Meteor
Deals major Explode damage.
Special Skill
Gigantic Claw
+15% to own Ki Restoration Speed for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts Forced Switching.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+20% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Intimidate: Ki Restoration Speed DOWN
Cause enemy to have -15% Ki Restoration Speed for 15 timer counts every time character enters the battlefield.
Fate (Goku): Strike Atk UP
+20% to own Strike damage for 15 timer counts when faced with enemy "Character: Goku".
* The displayed information is at ★3 Limit Break and Super Class.

Important Notes

  • New Year Rising Summon Tickets will be unusable after 01/31/2019 12:00 AM (CST).
  • Event content, as well as event start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
  • Please restart the app if this Summon does not appear even after its scheduled start time.
  • Character Z Power can be acquired through this Summon. Please note that characters will not appear directly.
  • It's possible to receive duplicate Z Powers, or Z Powers of characters other than Featured Characters from this Summon.
    For details, please check the in-game Summon screen > Z Power List.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team