Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.
The 6th anniversary Event is approaching its final stages.
Following the release of the new ULTRA character, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, as of
07/10/2024, we've reached the top ranking in a number of countries!
And this is all thanks to our valued players. You have our sincerest thanks.
As a token of our gratitude, we are giving everyone the following items!
Items to be Distributed

Chrono Crystal × 1000

Slot Remover × 100

EN Tank +100 × 5

Skip Tickets × 500

Equipment Medal × 100

Zeni × 1000000000
Distribution Period
07/14/2024 03:00 AM (CDT) ~
07/22/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
*It may take time for the items to appear as they are not sent to everyone simultaneously.
Your support is what encourages us to keep on bringing Legends to even greater heights!
Even after the end of the 6th anniversary, we still have tons of great Events in store.
Please keep a lookout for more updates.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Important Notes
Campaign content, as well as campaign start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team