Thanks for 6 Years!
Our deepest gratitude for your continued support!
It's thanks to all of you that Dragon Ball Legends has made it to 6 years!
As a token of our thanks, we are pleased to announce the Dragon Ball Legends 6th Anniversary campaign!
07/10/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 07/26/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
A new ULTRA character, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, joins the fight!
ULTRA Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta drops with 2000 Z Power!
An incredible Step-Up Summon is here!!
Unleash the true power of the Ultimate Arts!
During the Ultimate Arts, quickly tap as shown on-screen!
Get a "Huge Success" by quickly tapping over a certain number of times to greatly increase damage!
It will even add powerful additional effects, like reducing your opponent's Dragon Balls by 3 and greatly reducing their Ki!
Plus, if you KO a revival character with a "Huge Success" Ultimate Arts, they'll revive with only 30% of the health they'd normally revive with!
Counter tons of Arts attacks!
When full, the entire Unique Gauge will be consumed to counter most enemy Arts attacks!
That includes Ultimate and Awakened Arts!
Plus, this counter can even activate when Gogeta is attacking! Keep your offense going and seize victory!
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
06/19/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 08/06/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
LEGENDS LIMITED Super Saiyan God Goku joins the fray!
Experience speed ideal for attack and defense!
Increase Unique Gauge charge rate by 150% when entering the field!
Land a Strike or Blast Arts when the Unique Gauge is full to get a big boost to damage and nullify unfavorable Element factors! Then you can pummel your opponent with powerful buffs!
When using your own Strike/Blast Arts or a Special Arts hits, a certain amount of the Vanishing Gauge recovers!
Even after using the Vanishing Gauge, you can recover it all at once by using Arts in combos!
Super Saiyan God Goku
Super Saiyan God Goku
06/19/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 08/06/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
LEGENDS LIMITED Ultimate Gohan joins the fray!
Use two Unique Gauges to get the edge in battle!
A character with two kinds of Unique Gauges! Time Type and Attack Type!
When entering the field with a maxed-out Time Type Unique Gauge, it switches to Attack Type!
The Time Type and Attack Type have different effects when the Unique Gauge maxes out!
Furthermore, when the Unique Gauge changes, it seals the enemy's Rising Rush, reduces their Ki, destroys two cards from the enemy's hand, and permanently increases damage inflicted!
You can only change the Unique Gauge once! Time it right to get the edge in battle!
Ultimate Gohan
Ultimate Gohan
Legends is getting a limited-time makeover!

The title screen will now feature new 6th anniversary characters!
05/25/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 08/13/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
To show our appreciation, we're holding a free Summon!
This special Summon even includes LEGENDS LIMITED characters like "Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta" and "Android #17 & Android #18"!
Play the various Events and collect Summon Tickets during the campaign!
Get up to a total of 100 SPARKING-guaranteed Summon Tickets from the login bonus!
Collect Summon Tickets and get powerful characters!
Some Featured Characters
Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta
Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta
Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta
Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta
Android #17 & Android #18
Android #17 & Android #18
Android #17 & Android #18
Android #17 & Android #18
Collect 6th Anniversary Medals and Get Amazing Items at the Exchange Shop!
05/25/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 07/31/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
Get 6th Anniversary Medals by playing various Events during the anniversary!
Exchange them for backgrounds, Sleeves, Multi-Z Power 100 (LEGENDS LIMITED/SPARKING), as well as past Messages, Costumes, and other rare items!
Enjoy the Events and collect lots of 6th Anniversary Medals!
Thanks for 6 Years! The Ultimate Login Bonus of Super Gratitude!
05/25/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 08/06/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
A special login bonus is here to celebrate the 6th anniversary!
Log in during the Event period to get "THANKS FOR 6 YEARS! SP Guaranteed Summon Tickets", exclusive 6th Anniversary Sleeves, and more!
Plus, every 10 days you log in, you'll get a "10 DAYS! 1 LEGENDS LIMITED!! Summon Ticket" that guarantees a LEGENDS LIMITED character!
Log in every day to get special Summon Tickets celebrating the 6th anniversary and items to help power up your characters!
Featured Rewards
THANKS FOR 6 YEARS! SP Guaranteed Ticket Summon
*Check the login bonus screen for details.
05/25/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 08/13/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
Play it with Summon Tickets you can receive for every 10 days you log in during the Event period!
The further you progress in the Summon steps, the more the lineup will expand!
Log in for 40 days and get up to 4 Summon Tickets!
Only a portion of the featured characters available are listed above.
Required Summon Tickets
10 DAYS! 1 LEGENDS LIMITED!! Summon Ticket
*You won't be able to use these Summon Tickets after the Summon period ends.
Anniversary Special!! Hyperdimensional Co-Op VS Omega Shenron
07/10/2024 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 07/31/2024 01:00 AM (CDT)
Team up with your Buddy for a 4 vs. 1 showdown!
Collect Dual Coins and exchange them for awesome rewards!
Clear Missions to Get Giblet!
Get the Dragon Ball Legends original character Giblet!
Friend or foe?! Filled with fury and hate, the Saiyan Giblet stands before Shallot.
Progress through the Main Story to further delve into his mystery!
Clear certain parts of the Main Story where Giblet appears, and you can get Giblet (DBL00-04)'s Z Power from Missions!
*Can be played anytime starting
07/03/2024 01:00 AM (CDT).
Platinum Equipment Missions!
The new Platinum rarity for Equipment is here!
Get the first-ever Platinum Equipment, only usable by Event-exclusive Omega Shenron (DBL-EVT-38U), as a Mission Reward!
Get Omega Shenron (DBL-EVT-38U) from "Behold... One Body with the Power of Seven!" and complete the Mission!
Long Ago...There Was a Small Encounter
Everything started from this encounter.
Clear a stage to get the Event-exclusive SPARKING character Bulma (Youth) (DBL-EVT-84S)!
*"Long Ago...There Was a Small Encounter" can be played anytime starting
06/12/2024 01:00 AM (CDT).
Bulma (Youth)
Bulma (Youth)
More characters can be Zenkai Awakened!
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Buu: Kid
Buu: Kid
Half-Corrupted Fusion Zamasu
Half-Corrupted Fusion Zamasu
Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power
Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power
Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Buu: Kid, Half-Corrupted Fusion Zamasu, and Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power can now be Zenkai Awakened!
Collect Awakening Z Power and aim for Zenkai Awakening!
Important Summon Info
- The characters in the Summons may appear in future Events.
- Please restart the app if the Summons do not appear even after their scheduled start time.
- Character Z Power can be acquired from the Summons. Please note that characters will not appear directly.
- You may receive duplicate Z Powers, or Z Powers for characters other than those featured.
For more details, please check the Z Power Lists from the Summon screen.
Important Notes
- For more details on Multi-Z Power, see Menu > Other > Help > Items > Multi-Z Power.
- The time listed in the News may be adjusted depending on the timing of the maintenance on that day.
- Event content, as well as Event start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
- The in-game day updates at .
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team