"Extreme! Summer Raid! VS Android #18" Begins on 08/24/2022!
08/31/2022 12:30 AM (CDT)
09/10/2022 01:00 AM (CDT)
08/24/2022 01:00 AM (CDT) ~
09/07/2022 01:00 AM (CDT) Challenge the Raid Boss with players from around the world!
Collect Raid Medals and Hoi-Poi Coins from Raid Boss drops and get awesome rewards!
Bonus characters help you collect Raid Medals and Hoi-Poi Coins more efficiently!
Special Equipment will also increase the number of Raid Medals you obtain!
On top of rewards for the total damage dealt to the Boss by players worldwide, there are also Combat Point rewards for doing certain actions during battles!
Challenge the Boss over and over again to get a highly-sought-after item!
08/31/2022 01:00 AM (CDT) Updates
The following newly introduced characters have been added to the list of bonus and Battle Bonus characters.
- Mecha Frieza (DBL50-02S)
- Goku Black (DBL50-03S)
Raid Boss and Battle Rewards
Win the battle to get Raid Medals (Summer) and Hoi-Poi Coins as drop rewards!
There's also a chance to get Multi-Z Power!
Plus, you can get Hoi-Poi Coins and Legends Summer Carnival Medals up to three times per day from limited-time rewards!
Play every day to win amazing prizes!
*Items listed above are only a portion of the available battle rewards. More details are available in the app.
*For more details on Multi-Z Power, see Menu > Other > Help > Items > Multi-Z Power.
*A loss will not count toward the limited-time reward availability limit.
*You will not receive reward items after a loss.
*The battle rules are the same as for Hyperdimensional Co-Op.
How to Play
1. Collect Raid Medals (Summer)!
Get Raid Medals when you win against the Raid Boss!
Win using characters with bonus abilities in your party to collect Raid Medals more efficiently!
Exchange the Raid Medals you get for Chrono Crystals and LEGENDS LIMITED-exclusive Multi-Z Power at the Exchange Shop!
2. Get Raid Boss Damage Rewards!
Go up against the Raid Boss with allies from around the world!
You can clear the reward conditions by dealing sufficient damage to the Boss.
Once cleared, you will be able to obtain rewards based on the total amount of damage dealt by players worldwide!
Deal more total damage to the Raid Boss to receive more rewards overall!
After clearing the reward conditions, receive more rewards by dealing as much damage as you can to the Raid Boss!
3. Earn Combat Points!
Earn Combat Points by performing certain actions during Raid Battles!
Reach the target amount of Combat Points to obtain rewards!
Combat Point Actions
- Increase Link
- Land a Dual Impact
- Perform a Simultaneous Rising Rush
- Destroy Shield
*The number of Combat Points gained and the maximum amount available from a single battle vary for each action.
*Check here in-game for more details.
*Check the Help section for more details on how to play.
4. Complete Event Missions!
Claim victory and earn limited-time rewards in Raid Battles to clear Missions!
Get Raid Medals, Hoi-Poi Coins, and Legends Summer Carnival Medals from Mission Rewards!
Event Tips
Use Bonus Abilities!
Winning battles with bonus ability characters in your party increases the number of Raid Medals and Hoi-Poi Coins dropped!
The bonus abilities of Support members will also activate!
Efficiently collect Raid Medals and Hoi-Poi Coins!
Raid Medal (Summer) Drop Amount UP
Characters | ★2~ | ★6~ | ★1+~ |
| +30 | +40 | +50 |
NEW! | +20 | +30 | +40 |
| +6 | +10 | +20 |
Characters | ★7~ | ★7+ |
| +6 | +10 |
| +2 | +6 |
Hoi-Poi Coin Drop Amount UP
Characters | ★0~ | ★1+~ |
| +5 | +10 |
NEW! | +4 | +8 |
Characters | ★0~ | ★7~ | ★7+ |
| +1 | +2 | +3 |
Some characters will gain a bonus ability after Limit Breaking that increases drops! Others who already have these abilities can be Limit Broken to increase drops even more!
Limit Break as many of these characters as you can!
*The amount added by bonus abilities is displayed in parentheses.
If "x100 (+20)" is displayed, the total amount gained after applying the bonus abilities is 100.
*When new characters are added to the game, they may be added to the list of bonus characters.
Use Equipment that increases drops even more!
Equipping "It's This Kid!" will increase the number of Raid Medals you get from drops!
Unlock slots to increase these drops even further.
It's This Kid!
Slot 1
+3 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
+5 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
*Effect will be selected from one of the above. Slot 2
+1 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
+3 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
+5 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
*Effect will be selected from one of the above. Slot 3
+1 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
+3 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
+5 to Raid Medal (Summer) drops.
*Effect will be selected from one of the above. Equip Conditions
No Conditions
Get this Equipment from the Summer Hoi-Poi!
Use it to collect Raid Medals more efficiently!
Utilize the Battle Bonus characters!
Use Battle Bonus characters to defeat the Raid Boss!
Battle Bonus characters will have useful effects, like stat increases, during battle!
Strengthen these characters and have them join the fight!
*The above are only some of the Battle Bonus characters.
Collect Raid Medals to get Chrono Crystals and LEGENDS LIMITED-exclusive Multi-Z Power!
Raid Medal (Summer) Exchange Shop Lineup
PvP Messages
You weren't using full power.
*Items listed above are only a portion of those that can be exchanged for. Check the in-game Exchange Shop for details.
*Hoi-Poi Coins are available for exchange until 09/07/2022 01:00 AM (CDT).
*For more details on Multi-Z Power, see Menu > Other > Help > Items > Multi-Z Power.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.