
"Enjoy the 3rd Anniversary Campaign!" On Now!

06/13/2021 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 06/28/2021 01:00 AM (CDT)

Event Period

06/13/2021 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 06/28/2021 01:00 AM (CDT)
Equip the Special Title "3rd Anniversary Celebrator" and enjoy the 3rd Anniversary even more!
*You can claim the Title from your Gift Box.
3rd Anniversary Celebrator
Once you've obtained the "3rd Anniversary Celebrator" Title, keep it equipped until the end of the Campaign and you'll get 100 Chrono Crystals!
*Chrono Crystal distribution is scheduled for 07/02/2021.
The 3rd Anniversary's Not Over Yet! DRAGON BALL LEGENDS 3rd Anniversary!!
Check the upcoming News for more details!
Important Notes
  • Event content, as well as Event start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
  • The time listed in the News may change depending on the length of maintenance that day.
  • This Title may appear again in future Events.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team