Clear within 30 Counts
Clear within 20 Counts
Land the first attack
Do 1 x switches
Clear without sustaining more than 100K damage
Land an attack 1 time(s) with Element: BLU characters
Clear with only 1 Legends Road character(s)
Clear within 30 Counts
Clear within 20 Counts
Land the first attack
Dodge 2 x attacks with Vanishing step
Use a Main Ability 1 time(s)
Land an attack 1 time(s) with Element: BLU characters
Clear with only 1 Legends Road character(s)
Clear within 30 Counts
Clear within 20 Counts
Land the first attack
Clear without sustaining more than 300K damage
Land an attack 1 time(s) with Element: BLU characters
Clear with only 1 Legends Road character(s)
Clear without using Rising Rush
Clear within 30 Counts
Clear within 20 Counts
Land the first attack
Cover Change 2 time(s)
Use a Main Ability 1 time(s)
Land an attack 1 time(s) with Element: BLU characters
Clear with only 1 Legends Road character(s)
Clear without a single casualty
Clear within 60 Counts
Clear within 50 Counts
Land the first attack
Battle with 2 EXTREME characters or more
Clear with only 1 Trunks (Youth) (DBL-EVT-03S) character(s)
Clear without using Rising Rush
Clear without a single casualty
Clear within 60 Counts
Clear within 50 Counts
Land the first attack
Battle with 2 HERO characters or more
Clear with only 1 Trunks (Youth) (DBL-EVT-03S) character(s)
Clear without using Rising Rush
Clear without a single casualty
Clear within 60 Counts
Clear within 50 Counts
Clear without sustaining more than 400K damage
Use a Main Ability 2 time(s)
Clear with only 1 Trunks (Youth) (DBL-EVT-03S) character(s)
Clear without using Rising Rush
Clear without a single casualty
Clear within 60 Counts
Clear within 50 Counts
Clear without sustaining more than 500K damage
Clear with only 1 Trunks (Youth) (DBL-EVT-03S) character(s)
Land a RISING K.O.
Clear without using Rising Rush
Clear within 120 Counts
Clear within 110 Counts
Clear within 100 Counts
Clear within 90 Counts
Clear within 80 Counts
Clear with only 1 Trunks (Youth) (DBL-EVT-03S) character(s)
Clear without using Rising Rush
Clear without a single casualty
Clear within 60 Counts
Clear within 45 Counts
Land an attack 1 time(s) with a BLU character
Clear with only 1 Future character(s)
Clear with only 1 Legends Road character(s)
Clear without using Rising Rush