Clear without a single casualty
Land a Strike Arts 1 time(s)
Land a Blast Arts 1 time(s)
Land a Special Move 1 time(s) with Vegeta
Use a Main Ability 1 time(s)
Dodge 1 x attacks with Vanishing step
Land an attack 1 time(s) with Element: YEL characters
Clear without a single casualty
Clear within 100 Counts
Use a Main Ability 1 time(s)
Dodge 1 x attacks with Vanishing step
Use a Main Ability with Android #18
Clear with only 1 Android #18 character(s)
Land a RISING K.O.
Clear without a single casualty
Land a Strike Arts 3 time(s)
Land a Blast Arts 3 time(s)
Battle with Vegeta
Dodge 1 x attacks with Vanishing step
Do 2 x switches
Land an attack 2 time(s) with Element: YEL characters