Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.
The application was updated at the following date and time.
07/08/2019 03:00 AM (CDT)
The most recent version is 1.35.1.
Please update to version 1.35.1 to resolve the following issue (s).
You must update to the latest version to continue playing. Issues Fixed
- The wrong message is shown when permission to use the camera is requested for a Friend Battle.
- Vegito (DBL-EVT-07S)'s Z Ability bonus values at III and IV were being displayed incorrectly in some areas such as party edit screens and during battle member selection.
*This was a display error only and had no effect on the actual values in battle. - Adjusted some of the UI
- Fixed various other bugs
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team