
"NEW YEAR STEP-UP" now on!

12/26/2018 06:00 AM (UTC) ~ 01/07/2019 06:00 AM (UTC)

Event Period

From 12/26/2018 06:00 AM (UTC)
Until 01/07/2019 06:00 AM (UTC)

Event Information

I'll show you Kaioken!
Saiyan Saga Goku and Vegeta Arrive!
Plus, Super Saiyan God Goku finally joins the fight!
This time, it will be a Step-Up Summon!
Every time you play the Step-Up Summon, it will go to the next step. Plus, you can get a bonus "SPARKING Rarity Guaranteed Ticket" on certain steps!
*Z Power rates are the same for each step.
*After playing Step 7, you will return to Step 1.

Step Up Contents

StepChrono CrystalNo. of SummonsFreebie
4100010SPARKING Rarity Guaranteed Ticket
7100010SPARKING Rarity Guaranteed Ticket

SPARKING Summon Rates (Total 5%)

  • Goku - 1%
  • Vegeta - 1%
  • Super Saiyan God Goku - 1%
  • Other (45 characters) - 0.044%~0.045%

New Characters

Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Kaioken Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+15% to Strike damage received" to enemy for 15 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
I'll Show You The Kaioken!
Transform into "2x Kaioken".
Transformation lasts for 60 timer counts.

Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: BLU" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
I'm Gettin' Excited...!
+15% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts every time own attack is evaded with a Vanishing Step.
3x Kaioken's Toll
If Special Arts are used during transformation, the following effects activate when transformation ends:

+30% to damage received by self (cannot be cancelled)
-30% to damage inflicted by self (cannot be cancelled)
-30% to own Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled)
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Galick Gun
Deals major Impact damage.
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Main Ability
Overwhelming Power
Restore own health by 25%.
+30% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+35% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Explosive Wave
+25% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+15% to damage received" to enemy for 20 timer counts on hit.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Element: GRN" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Restore own health by 20% & +30% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts when own health reaches 0 (activates once).
Crisis: Strike Cost DOWN
-5 to own Strike Arts cost when 2 allies are defeated.
Super Saiyan God Goku
Battle Style
Melee Type
Special Move
Dragon Smash
Deals major Impact damage.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades on hit (activates once).
Main Ability
Behold the Power of a God!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Limitbreaker Kamehameha" next.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Limitbreaker Kamehameha
Deals major Impact damage.
+5 to enemy substitution count for 15 timer counts on hit.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+20% to own Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+17% to "Tag: God Ki" max base health during battle.
Unique Ability
Realm of Gods
The following effects activate when battle begins:

Applies Buff Effect: "Nullify Attribute Downgrades up to 2 times" to self.
Applies Buff Effect: "Nullify Abnormal Conditions up to 2 times" to self.
+50% to own Ki Recovery for 5 timer counts when Ki is 30 or lower after using an Arts Card.
+30% to damage inflicted when a "Tag: Saiyan" other than this character is a battle member.
+30% to Strike damage inflicted & restores own health by 30% when 2 allies are downed.
* The displayed information is at ★3 Limit Break and Super Class.

"NEW YEAR STEP-UP SPARKING Rarity Guaranteed Ticket Summon" now on!

Event Period

From 12/26/2018 06:00 AM (UTC)
Until 01/14/2019 06:00 AM (UTC)
A Ticket Summon will also be available simultaneously! You can use the "SPARKING Rarity Guaranteed Tickets" obtainable from Step 4 and 7 of the "NEW YEAR STEP-UP" Summon.
Get a "NEW YEAR STEP-UP" character guaranteed at SPARKING!
God of Destruction, Beerus appears in the "NEW YEAR STEP-UP SPARKING Guaranteed Ticket Summon!"
God of Destruction Beerus
Battle Style
Support Type
Special Move
Sphere of Destruction
Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "-15% to Ki Recovery" to enemy for 35 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Don't Mess With a God of Destruction
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Multi Sphere of Destruction" next.
+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Multi Sphere of Destruction
Deals massive Explode damage.
Destroys all enemy cards on hit.
Special Skill
Power Flick
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades on hit (activates once).
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+25% to Blast Damage Received" to enemy for 20 timer counts on hit.
Z Ability
Z Ability II
+22% to "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Realm of Gods
The following effects activate when battle begins:

Applies Buff Effect: "Nullify Attribute Downgrades up to 2 times" to self.
Applies Buff Effect: "Nullify Abnormal Conditions up to 2 times" to self.
+50% to own Ki Recovery for 5 timer counts when Ki is 30 or lower after using an Arts Card.
Aura of Destruction
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+5 to Blast Arts cost" to enemy for 10 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield.
Seals all enemies' Main Abilities for 10 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield (activates three times).
* The displayed information is at ★3 Limit Break and Super Class.

Important Notes

  • God of Destruction Beerus only appears in the "NEW YEAR STEP-UP SPARKING Guaranteed Ticket Summon."
  • Please note that Beerus does NOT appear in the "NEW YEAR STEP-UP" Summon.
    *God of Destruction Beerus could return in the future.
  • Event content, as well as event start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
  • Please restart the app if this Summon does not appear even after its scheduled start time.
  • Character Z Power can be acquired through this Summon. Please note that characters will not appear directly.
  • It's possible to receive duplicate Z Powers, or Z Powers of characters other than Featured Characters from this Summon.
    For details, please check the in-game Summon screen > Z Power List.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team