Evil Explosion Deals major Explode damage.
The following effects occur based on the amount of health you have left:
Health is 70% or less: +10% to Special Move damage for 15 timer counts
Health is 50% or less: +30% to Special Move damage for 15 timer counts
Health is 30% or less: +50% to Special Move damage for 15 timer counts
Countdown to Despair Takes your opponent's Dragon Balls and adds them to your own.
Effects will change according to how many Dragon Balls they have.
2 or more: Take 2, Gain 2
1: Take 1, Gain 1
None: No Effect
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack +10% to own Strike damage for 15 timer counts.
Destroys all of your cards and randomly draws four new ones.
Z Ability II +25% to Tag: Regeneration base Strike Attack during battle.
The Demon King Terror Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+2 to substitution count" for 15 timer counts every time character enters the battlefield.
Overflowing Youth Gradually recovers health for 15 timer counts with each count when character enters the battlefield.