Fight alongside your fellow guild members in the new competitive Guild Battle mode!
Enjoy large-scale battles with up to 60 guild members in 30 vs. 30 battles!
Teamwork is the key to victory!
Clash against rival guilds as you fight to take over the base located on the board!
Seize victory in guild battles to earn your place as the strongest guild!
Win guild battles and aim for the top of the rankings!
In Guild Battle, there is a "Guild Battle Ranking" based on number of wins and Guild Battle Points obtained.
Work with your guild members to finish at the top!
*Within the ranking, number of wins will take precedence over Guild Battle Points obtained.
Earn GvG Honors based on your placement in the Guild Battle Ranking!
GvG Honors can be exchanged for special GvG frames and backgrounds as well as Chrono Crystals at the Exchange Shop!
How to Play
Decide when to participate in guild battles
There will be a prep period before guild battles begin.
During the Participation Time Selection period, each guild member can cast one vote for their preferred battle time.
Vote for the time that will be easiest for you to participate!
Guild battles will take place during the time period that receives the most votes!
Decide on the time for battle as a guild.
Participation Time Selection Period
01/28/2025 12:00 AM (CST) ~
01/29/2025 12:00 AM (CST) Guild Battle Period
01/29/2025 04:00 AM (CST) ~
02/03/2025 12:00 AM (CST) *The vote will decide the time for all battles during the Guild Battle period. A vote will not be held for each individual battle.
*Once the Participation Time Selection period has ended, you will not be able to vote. However, voting is not required to participate in guild battles.
*The pre-season participation times are provisional and may be adjusted for the regular seasons.
*Participation times for the regular seasons are planned to be adjusted based on pre-season data to allow as many players to participate as possible.
Prepare Guild Battle Items
You can obtain useful items for guild battles at the special Exchange Shop!
Only Guild Battle Coins can be used for exchanges!
Trade items in your possession for Guild Battle Coins!
*In a future update, we plan to also make Guild Battle Coins obtainable with Chrono Crystals.
Guild Battle Coin
A coin that can be traded for Guild Battle Items.
Exchange Period
Guild Battle Coins can be added from the start of the Participation Time Selection period until the start of the Round 5 period.
*Guild Battle Coins are shared among all guild members.
*Guild Battle Coins will be discarded when the Guild Battle period ends. Please be sure to spend them before this time.
Guild Battle Items
MP Restore
*MP is used to move to different panels on the board during guild battles.
Movement Speed (Ki Recovery) Boost
Exchange Period
01/28/2025 12:00 AM (CST) ~
02/03/2025 12:00 AM (CST)
*Guild Battle Items will be discarded when the Guild Battle period ends. Please be sure to use them before this time.
Form your unit
In Guild Battle, a "unit" is made up of two teams, each consisting of six characters with two standby characters.
Tournament of Power stats and Equipment will be used in Guild Battle.
Choose between your two teams carefully to gain an edge in battle!
One character must be chosen as the "shared character" that will be in both of your team formations.
Take note that characters in your unit must be EXTREME rarity or higher.
*HERO Shallot is an exception and may also be used.
*After creating your unit, tap "To Guild Battle!" to confirm your formations and current stats. You will not be able to change your formations during the Guild Battle period.
Fight in guild battles
During the Guild Battle period, you will fight against a rival guild once each day for a total of 5 battles.
You will participate at the time voted on by your guild!
Guild battles are conducted in turns, which switch automatically when enough time has elapsed.
During a turn, actions will be performed in the order below:
- Item Selection (specific turns only)
- Item Activation (specific turns only)
- Destination Selection
- Movement/Results
The game will transition to the title screen if an update during the Guild Battle occurs.
During you turn, failing to return to the Guild Battle within the allotted time will result in the turn proceeding without selecting any action.
During the Guild Battle period, please be sure to check the News and Guild Battle Period Details from Guild Battle, and proceed with plenty of time to spare.
When Movement begins, MP will be consumed to move across the board.
If you run into a rival guild unit during or after the end of your movement, a battle will begin!
The battle format is the same auto-battler as the Tournament of Power!
If you move onto a panel that can be occupied and remain undefeated until the end of the turn, you'll seize the panel for your guild.
Panel List
Base (occupiable)
There is only one of these panels, and it is located at the center of the board.
Occupying it for more turns than the rival guild will result in victory.
Base Area (non-occupiable)
Special panels surrounding the base that cannot be occupied.
Starting Point (non-occupiable)
Each guild possesses one of these panels.
Respawn (occupiable)
A panel that awards Guild Battle Points when occupied. Available as a respawn location if you lose a battle.
Each panel will restore unit health by a different amount upon respawning.
Designated Respawn Point (non-occupiable)
Respawn panels that are exclusive to each guild.
Bonus (occupiable)
A panel that awards Guild Battle Points when occupied.
*Guild Battle Points for occupying the panel are only awarded the first time a player from either guild occupies it.
The guild that occupies the central Base panel for the most number of turns wins!
If the number of turns occupied is the same, the guild who captured the Base most recently wins!
*If neither guild captures the Base once during the battle, both guilds will lose.
Gigantic Battles: all-out battles with fellow guild members!
If there are enough units on a single panel, a Gigantic Battle will begin!
The battle area will expand, and all units within the area will engage in battle!
Winning a Gigantic Battle allows your guild to take control of every panel from the rival guild within the battle area!
Plan your guild's movement and aim to trigger Gigantic Battles!
Guild Battle Ranking Rewards

2nd to 10th

11th to 100th

101st to 500th

501st and below

GvG Honors Exchange Shop Lineup
Featured Items

Special Frame (GvG Red)
Special Frame (GvG Yellow)
Special Frame (GvG Purple)
Special Frame (GvG Green)
Special Frame (GvG Blue)
Special Frame (GvG Pink)
Special Frame (GvG Orange)
Special Frame (GvG White)
Special Frame (GvG Black)

Special Background (GvG Red)
Special Background (GvG White)
Special Background (GvG Black)
*Items listed above are only a portion of those that can be exchanged for. Check the in-game Exchange Shop for details.
*A portion of the GvG Honors Exchange Shop lineup will reset at the next switch-over.
Important Notes
- To participate in Guild Battle, guilds will need a tier of Silver or above, as well as 5 or more members.
- Guilds are unlocked after reaching Z Level 30.
- Please note that Event content, as well as Event start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team