"Fierce Fight!! Super Saiyan Goku" Returns!
11/25/2022 12:00 AM (CST)
12/23/2022 12:00 AM (CST)
11/25/2022 12:00 AM (CST) ~
12/16/2022 12:00 AM (CST) The new Event-exclusive SPARKING character, Super Saiyan Goku (DBL-EVT-59S), joins the fight!
Take on the Event and aim to Limit Break!
Plus, Full Power Battle VS Hyper Meta-Rilldo, where you can get Z Power for Super Saiyan Goku, is also starting!
Full Power Battle VS Hyper Meta-Rilldo can be unlocked with an Event Key that can be obtained by exchanging Fierce Fight Medals!
*To participate in the Event you must clear Main Story 7-7-8.
Character Introduction
Super Saiyan Goku
Super Saiyan Goku
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Black Star Dragon Ball Saga (GT)
Character Tag
Son Family
Super Saiyan
Event Exclusive
Special Move
Kamehameha Deals major Impact damage.
Randomly draws at most 4 new cards when you have 3 or fewer cards upon activation.
Main Ability
Glimmering Golden Potential Draw a Blast Arts Card next.
Restores own health by
50% and Ki by 50.
Increases damage inflicted according to the number of timer counts elapsed from battle start (up to
10 counts elapsed:
+20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
50 counts elapsed:
+40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
80 counts elapsed:
+70% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack Restores own Ki by 30.
+30% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts (cannot be stacked).
Destroys all of your enemy's Special Move & Special Arts Cards.
Z Ability
Z Ability I +19% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance +22% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Event Exclusive" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance +29% to "Tag: GT", "Tag: Event Exclusive", or "Tag: Son Family" base Blast Attack & Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance +33% to "Tag: GT", "Tag: Event Exclusive", or "Tag: Son Family" base Blast Attack & Strike Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Explosive Display of Power Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+90% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+30% to damage inflicted for 50 timer counts (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by
50% (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by
15% for 50 timer counts (cannot be cancelled).
Also applies the following effects to self per "Tag: GT" battle member other than this character in the party when battle starts:
+15% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+25% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
The following effects occur when enemy performs a cover change while this character is on the battlefield:
Restores own Ki by 50.
Randomly draws 1 new card when you have 3 or fewer cards.
Randomly destroys two enemy cards.
Superior Speed The following effects occur every time when faced with an enemy:
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-1 Arts Card Draw Speed level" for 10 timer counts.
Applies the following effects to self every time an Arts Card is drawn while this character is on the battlefield:
Restores Vanishing Gauge by
+10% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Applies the following effects to self when this character evades an enemy attack with a Vanishing Step:
Restores Ki by 50.
Randomly draws 1 new card when you have 3 or fewer cards.
Special Move
Kamehameha Deals major damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Explosive Display of Power [Start of battle / Self]・
+60% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-20% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
・+70 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
[Start of turn / If there are at least 4 other allied "Tag: GT" remaining / Self]・
+25% to Blast damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+20 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
Superior Speed [Start of 2nd turn / Self]・
+15% to damage inflicted.
・+30 to Ki Recovery.
[Start of 3rd turn / Multi-target]・Inflicts enemies in range with Attribute Downgrade "
+10% to damage received" for 2 turns.
+25% to own next Blast Arts damage inflicted.
[Start of 4th turn / Multi-target]・Inflicts enemies in range with Attribute Downgrade "
+10% to damage received" for 1 turn.
+25% to own next Blast Arts damage inflicted.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I +19% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance +22% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Event Exclusive" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance +29% to "Tag: GT", "Tag: Event Exclusive", or "Tag: Son Family" base Blast Attack & Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance +33% to "Tag: GT", "Tag: Event Exclusive", or "Tag: Son Family" base Blast Attack & Strike Defense during battle.
How to Play
1. Get Super Saiyan Goku!
Get Super Saiyan Goku's Z Power as a first-time reward on certain stages!
Get the Event-exclusive character!
Plus, you can also get Z Power by clearing challenges on some of the stages!
2. Get Z Power from the BONUS BATTLE every day!
Get Super Saiyan Goku's Z Power once a day!
Don't forget to play every day!
*Losing a battle will not reduce the amount of daily attempts.
*You will not receive reward items after a loss.
3. Get even more Z Power from Mission Rewards!
Get tons of Super Saiyan Goku's Z Power from the Mission Rewards!
If you Limit Break your Event-exclusive character to ★7+, you'll get a special Title!
Mission-Exclusive Title
Full Saiyan Power
4. Get Z Power from Full Power Battle!
11/25/2022 12:00 AM (CST) ~
12/16/2022 12:00 AM (CST) Get Z Power for Super Saiyan Goku from Full Power Battle VS Hyper Meta-Rilldo, too!
To play, you'll need an Event Key [Full Power Battle VS Hyper Meta-Rilldo], which can be obtained by exchanging Fierce Fight Medals!
*Full Power Battle VS Hyper Meta-Rilldo will remain unlocked for 60 minutes after the Event Key is used.
Where to Get Z Power
How to Get | Total |
BATTLE 1-3 (First Time Clear Rewards) SPECIAL BATTLE (First Time Clear Rewards) CHALLENGE BATTLE (First Time Clear Rewards) |  ×1,400 |
BATTLE 1-3 (Challenge Rewards) SPECIAL BATTLE (Challenge Rewards) |  ×1,600 |
BONUS BATTLE (Victory Rewards) |  ×3,000 |
Missions |  ×2,000 |
Fierce Fight Medal Exchange Shop |  ×2,000 |
 |  ×3,000 |
Get the new Equipment!
In SPECIAL BATTLE, there's a chance that powerful Equipment that can be used by "GT" & "Saiyan" characters will drop!
Play the Event over and over for the Equipment with the best stats!
Well... You made quite a mess!
Slot 1
Special Move Damage +5.00~+10.00%
Slot 2
Base Blast Attack +8.00~+20.00%
Slot 3
Base Health +5.00~+10.00%
Equip Conditions
Take on the high difficulty battle!
Only Super Saiyan Goku (DBL-EVT-59S) can be used in CHALLENGE BATTLE!
Clear it with your powered-up Super Saiyan Goku to get Z Power!
Exchange for useful power-up items at the Exchange Shop!
Collect the Fierce Fight Medals that drop in BATTLE 1-3!
The further you progress in the stages, the easier it is to get Fierce Fight Medals!
Play as many times as you want and exchange them for tons of Z Power and boost materials!
Fierce Fight Medal [Super Saiyan Goku]
Proof of the bearer's victory in a Fierce Fight.
*Fierce Fight Medals cannot be used after the Exchange Shop period ends.
Exchange Shop Lineup
*Items listed above are only a portion of those that can be exchanged for. Check the in-game Exchange Shop for details.
*Event Key [Full Power Battle VS Hyper Meta-Rilldo] are available for exchange until 12/16/2022 12:00 AM (CST).
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.