
Player Survey Notice

06/16/2022 03:30 AM (CDT) ~ 06/21/2022 02:00 AM (CDT)
The player survey that we launched on 06/07/2022 was experiencing connection issues between 06/07/2022 - 06/08/2022, making it difficult for users to connect to the page. These issues have been resolved and the page can now be accessed as usual.
For any users who answered the survey during this period, please confirm whether or not your submission was successfully received by clicking the "Survey link" button below to see if it says you have already responded.
If it does not say you have already responded and you are still able to input answers, your previous response may not have been successfully received. In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience but would appreciate it if you could resubmit the survey.

Player Survey Part 1 Period

06/07/2022 02:00 AM (CDT) ~ 06/21/2022 02:00 AM (CDT)
The survey will be split into two parts, with this being part one.
You'll receive 250 Chrono Crystals for each part you answer, so please give us your feedback.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
  • Please be aware that if you do not access the survey from in-game, you will not receive any rewards.
  • Your Player ID will be automatically entered into the survey.
  • Rewards are scheduled to be sent out in late June.
  • Rewards will be sent to your Gift Box.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team