
PvP maintenance notice

11/20/2021 09:00 PM (CST) ~ 11/22/2021 04:00 AM (CST)
Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.
A version update is planned to fix the following issue.

Issue to be fixed

  • After a battle, some users are unable to progress when they move to a new screen via the MENU on the lower right.
  • After achieving the 1st Win RP Bonus, unnecessary text appears on top of the PvP button on the Menu screen.
  • Ranking not displayed properly when Rating Points are over a certain amount
For the Ver 3.10.0 update, maintenance will be carried out on the following content from 11/21/2021 08:00 PM (CST).


11/21/2021 08:00 PM (CST) ~ 11/22/2021 04:00 AM (CST)
These functions will be inaccessible during the maintenance period. Thank you for your understanding.
We are aware of the inconvenience this causes in the middle of the Ultra Space-Time Duel season, but as this work is essential to fix this ongoing issue we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team