
Changes to PvP Rating Matches

11/29/2021 11:30 PM (CST) ~ 12/15/2021 12:00 AM (CST)
Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.
With version 3.9.0, PvP Rating Matches have been updated.

Rating Match Updates

Rating Matches were created to be fun and competitive battles playable with a single finger. However, several issues have since occurred.
To give as many players as possible the ability to participate in PvP matches and test their strength in thrilling yet fair battles, we made the following changes to Rating Matches.
We will continue to monitor player participation levels after these updates have been implemented and make any necessary adjustments.
More Chances to Get Rewards
Up until now, most of the ranking rewards for Rating Matches were only awarded to the game's top players.
In order to share the rewards among more players and make matches more enjoyable, rewards are now available to everyone who battles at least 15 times, even if they do not make it into the rankings.
Rewards will be distributed based on what percentile you're ranked in for the overall rankings of all players who participated in Rating Matches.
*You cannot receive multiple ranking rewards.
*If you rank first, you will receive the ranking reward for first place only. You will not also receive the ranking reward for placing in the top 15%.
Max Battle Rank Raised to 70
The maximum Battle Rank was raised from 50 to 70.
We increased the number of Battle Ranks to make it easier to find matches against evenly skilled opponents.
We hope this change provides you with even more thrilling Rating Matches.
Introducing Season Ranks Based on Battle Ranks
Season Ranks are assigned based on your Battle Rank.
Hone your technique and aim for a higher Season Rank!
Battle RankSeason Rank
70 (Top 1,000)Godly
*The "Godly" rank will be assigned according to the player's ranking after the start of the season.
*This feature was introduced as "Leagues" in the Legends Management Newsletter.
*Depending on your internet connection, point difference, and number of consecutive wins, you may be matched against someone with a different Season Rank.
Rating Point (RP) Increase/Decrease Adjusted
You will now earn and lose more RP from matches. This change coincides with the increased maximum Battle Rank.
This change will help place players in ranks that more accurately represent their skill level.
Battle Ranks that reflect players' true abilities will in turn make it easier for you to match with opponents of similar skill.
Have fun playing Rating Matches that are even more exciting!
New First Win Bonus
For your first win every day, you will receive extra RP in addition to the usual amount earned.
Play every day and aim for a higher Season Rank!
*The first-win RP bonus is not affected by the doubled RP in the Golden Showdown.
Adjustments to Special Rank Up at Season Start
Adjustments are also being made to the Special Rank Up feature so that it's easier to match with opponents of similar skill levels at the start of the season.
New Tier System
We introduced a tier system that gives your characters a boost based on how often they're used in Rating Matches.
Characters you haven't used much until now might end up turning the tide of battle!
Check the tiers and prepare for your next Rating Match!
We plan to continue updating Rating Matches so that everyone can have even more fun, so look out for future changes!
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team