
Upcoming Battle Version 2.4

08/23/2021 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 08/25/2021 01:00 AM (CDT)
Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.
The Battle Version 2.4 update is scheduled for 08/25/2021.
Battle Version 2.4 will mainly focus on re-balancing battle mechanics.
Here is some of what you can look forward to.


Battles (All)
Adding Animation When Executing a Successful "Perfect Vanish"
A special effect and sound will play when you successfully dodge an enemy's Arts with perfect timing during battle.
This will make it easier to time your counterattacks.
*Your opponent will not be able to dodge a counterattack performed immediately after a Perfect Vanish.
*As an exception, a Perfect Vanish will not guarantee a successful counterattack in the following scenario: Your opponent has queued up two consecutive Blast Arts attacks, and you cancel their first Blast Arts with your own then execute a Perfect Vanish against their second Blast Arts. This is because their directly comboed second Blast Arts will come out too quickly for you to get a guaranteed counterattack before they're able to respond.
Adjustments to Damage in Combos
There was a technique for recovering Ki and other resources by not moving in between Arts during a combo. This technique avoided the penalties in Ki Recovery speed and Dragon Ball acquisition rate that occur when combos are performed with steps or other inputs.
This gave an advantage to characters with high draw speed or who are able to draw cards with Abilities, so we will be making adjustments such that penalties to damage and Dragon Ball acquisition rate etc. applied to combos using steps or other inputs will also be applied to combos performed using this technique.
*There will be no adjustments made to how combos work in Co-Op battles.
Rising Rush Adjustments
We're greatly increasing the damage dealt when you activate Rising Rush at the same time as your Buddy and also pick the same card as them.
This change re-balances the merits and demerits of going for a co-op Rising Rush and trying to select matching Arts cards.
*The damage from normal Rising Rushes is unchanged.
Taunt Action Adjustments
We are increasing the amount of aggro received from Taunt.
Taunt will also reduce the damage you receive by 30% for 10 timer counts.
This will increase the opportunities you have to use Taunt strategically.

We hope you're looking forward to the changes!
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team