

06/16/2021 06:00 AM (UTC) ~ 07/01/2021 06:00 AM (UTC)

Event Period

06/16/2021 06:00 AM (UTC) ~ 07/01/2021 06:00 AM (UTC)

Event Information

LEGENDS LIMITED Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black and Buu: Kid are back for the first time!
This deluxe Step-Up Summon includes four LEGENDS LIMITED characters!
One SPARKING character is guaranteed in this Consecutive Summon!

Featured Characters

Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black
Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black
Battle Style
Melee Type
"Future" Trunks Saga (S)
Character Tag
God Ki
Super Saiyan Rosé
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Divine Black Kamehameha
Deals massive Explode damage.
Nullifies own unfavorable Element factors for 3 timer counts upon activation.
A portion of the damage inflicted will also be dealt to enemy members on standby on hit (this cannot cause them to be defeated).
Main Ability
This scythe will carve a reminder into your mortal flesh!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Ultra Divine Dance" next.
Restores own health by 30% and Ki by 50.
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-100% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" for 30 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Ultra Divine Dance
Deals massive Explode damage.
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of enemy battle members upon activation:
3 battle members: +30% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
2 battle members: +60% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
1 battle member: +90% to Ultimate damage inflicted 3 timer counts.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Divine Cannon
Applies the following effects to self upon activation:
Draw a Special Move Arts Card next (activates once).
Restores Ki by 50.
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Gain Attribute Upgrade "+30% to the duration of Bleed, Heavy Bleed, or Extreme Bleed effects this character inflicts to enemies" (cannot be stacked).
Cancels enemy Buff Effects on hit.
[Comboable Arts]
Strike Arts
Blast Arts
Special Arts
Special Move Arts
Ultimate Arts
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Future" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+32% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense and +15% to characters that are both "Tag: God Ki" and "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+37% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense and +18% to characters that are both "Tag: God Ki" and "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Wrathful Castigation
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+60% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 35% (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces enemy Ki by 10 when this character enters the battlefield.
Additional +10% to damage inflicted per enemy battle member (cannot be cancelled).
Effects reset after character switch.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+10 to all Arts costs" for 3 timer counts after enemy attack is over.
Purging Blades
Nullifies enemy's "Restores health when it reaches 0" effects when this character attacks (cannot be cancelled).
Draw a Strike Arts Card next every time when faced with an enemy.
15% chance to reduce enemy's Dragon Balls by 1 upon landing a Strike Arts hit.
Knocks enemy back to long range if a cover change is performed against their Strike Arts attack (activates during assists).
[Comboable Arts]
Special Move Arts
Special Move
Divine Black Kamehameha
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Ultra Divine Dance
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Wrathful Castigation
[Start of battle / Self]
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-25% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
[Start of battle / Per enemy / Self]
+10% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・+10 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
Purging Blades
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[On Strike or Blast Arts attack / Self]
+50% to Critical Rate for 1 turn.
+50% to Critical damage inflicted for 1 turn.
[On Strike Arts hit / Enemy]
・Inflicts Extreme Bleed for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Future" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+32% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense and +15% to characters that are both "Tag: God Ki" and "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+37% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense and +18% to characters that are both "Tag: God Ki" and "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
Buu: Kid
Buu: Kid
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Majin Buu Saga (Z)
Character Tag
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Deals massive Impact damage.
Randomly applies 1-3 of the following effects to self upon activation:
+15% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
+15% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
+15% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Main Ability
Wicked Majin
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Destruction Blaster" next.
Restores own health by 40% and Ki by 30.
Seals enemy's Strike Arts. The sealed Arts cannot be used for 5 timer counts.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Destruction Blaster
Deals massive Impact damage.
The following effects occur upon activation:
+50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Nullifies enemy's "Restores health when it reaches 0" effects when this character attacks for 3 timer counts.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Nap Time
Restores own health by 15%.
Restores own Vanishing Gauge by 60% (activates four times).
+30% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense and +15% to "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense and +18% to "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Unfathomable Evil
+25% to damage inflicted against "Tag: Saiyan" or "Tag: Regeneration" (cannot be cancelled).
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+90% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 30% (cannot be cancelled).
Nullifies Abnormal Conditions for 60 timer counts.
The following effects occur every 4 timer counts while this character is on the battlefield:
Restores own Ki by 30.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.
Unpredictable Movements
Applies the following effects to self when this character evades an enemy attack with a Vanishing Step:
Randomly draws 1 new card when you have 3 or fewer cards.
+50% to Vanishing Gauge Recovery for 10 timer counts.
The following effects occur when enemy switches characters while this character is on the battlefield:
Draw a Special Arts Card next (activates once).
Inflicts all enemies with 2 substitution counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "-20% to Health Restoration" for 15 timer counts.
Special Move
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Destruction Blaster
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Unfathomable Evil
[On hit / Target is "Tag: Saiyan" / Self]
+25% to damage inflicted (instant).
[Start of battle / Self]
+80% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-25% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Abnormal Conditions five times".
[End of turn / Multi-target]
・+15 to own Ki Recovery.
・Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to damage received" for 1 turn.
Unpredictable Movements
[Start of 2nd turn / Activate Special Action / Self]
・Cancels Attribute Downgrades.
・Restores health by 10%.
+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
[On Ultimate Arts activation / Enemy]
・Cancels Attribute Upgrades.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense and +15% to "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense and +18% to "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack during battle.
Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power
Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power
Battle Style
Melee Type
Sagas From the Movies
Character Tag
Super Saiyan
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Blaster Cannon
Deals massive Impact damage.
30% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
Main Ability
Limitless Evolution
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Gigantic Force" next.
Restores own health by 25% and Ki by 50.
Gain Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's special actions that activate when changing cover" for 15 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Gigantic Force
Deals massive Impact damage.
Applies the following effects to self upon activation:
+30% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-100% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" for 3 timer counts.
Inflicts Forced Switching on hit.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Roar of Awakening
Restores own Ki by 30.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 15 timer counts (cannot be stacked).
Reduces next damage sustained by 30% (cannot be stacked). This applies until enemy combo is finished.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" or "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+32% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" or "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike Attack & Defense and +15% to characters that are both "Tag: Powerful Opponent" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+37% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" or "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike Attack & Defense and +18% to characters that are both "Tag: Powerful Opponent" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Meteoric Progress
+50% to damage inflicted against "Tag: Saiyan" (cannot be cancelled).
+50% to Strike damage inflicted against all characters except "Tag: Saiyan" (cannot be cancelled).
+20% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts every time this character uses an Arts Card.
+20% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts when this character evades enemy attack with a Vanishing Step.
+20% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts after enemy attack is over.
Convergence of Wrath
While this character is on the battlefield, applies the following effects to self when enemy switches characters:
Restores health by 10% (activates five times).
+25% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
Restores Vanishing Gauge by 50% (activates five times).
Reduces damage received by 40% until combo ends when changing cover.
Knocks enemy back to long range if a cover change is performed against their Strike Arts attack (activates during assists).
[Comboable Arts]
Special Move Arts
Special Move
Blaster Cannon
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Gigantic Force
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Meteoric Progress
[Start of battle / Self]
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-20% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
・+50 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
[On Strike or Blast Arts attack / Self]
+25% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
Convergence of Wrath
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[After receiving a Strike or Blast Arts attack / Self]
・Restores health by 3% (activates three times).
+25% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled) (activates once).
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" or "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+32% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" or "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike Attack & Defense and +15% to characters that are both "Tag: Powerful Opponent" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+37% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" or "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike Attack & Defense and +18% to characters that are both "Tag: Powerful Opponent" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Super Vegito
Super Vegito
Battle Style
Melee Type
Majin Buu Saga (Z)
Character Tag
Super Saiyan
Fusion Warrior
Special Move
Big Bang Attack
Deals massive Impact damage.
Restores Ki by 30 upon activation.
Main Ability
Come On, Give Me All You Got!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Spirit Sword" next.
Restores own health by 30% and Ki by 50.
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Spirit Sword
Deals massive Slice damage.
Applies the following effects to self upon activation.
+40% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Nullifies enemy's "Restore health when it reaches 0" effects for 3 timer counts when this character attacks.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Protective Aura
Reduces damage received by 20% for 15 timer counts (cannot be stacked).
+30% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.
Nullifies own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions for 25 timer counts (activates twice).
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+17% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+22% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense and +12% to their max base Health during battle.
Unique Ability
Potara Fusion
+40% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.
While this character is on the battlefield, the following effects occur when an Arts Card is drawn:
Strike Arts Card: +20% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Blast Arts Card: +20% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Special Arts Card: +20% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.
Special Move Arts Card: +20% to Special Move damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
THIS Is an Attack
30% to Strike damage inflicted against "Tag: Regeneration" (cannot be cancelled).
Knocks back enemy to long range if a cover change is performed against their Strike Arts attack (Available during assists).
[Arts with Pursuit]
Special Move Arts
+10% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts when enemy uses an Arts Card while this character is on the battlefield.
Special Move
Big Bang Attack
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Spirit Sword
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
THIS Is an Attack
[On hit / Target is "Tag: Regeneration" / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted (instant).
[Start of turn / Self]
+50% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-25% to damage received for 1 turn.
・+50 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[After receiving an attack / Self]
+10% to damage inflicted.
Come On, Give Me All You Got!
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / Health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[On Ultimate Arts activation / Enemy]
・Cancels Attribute Upgrades.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+17% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+22% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense and +12% to their max base Health during battle.
Demon King Piccolo (Aged)
Demon King Piccolo (Aged)
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Dragon Ball Saga
Character Tag
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Demonic Barrage
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-60% to Ki Recovery" for 40 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Sinister Wish
Transform into "Youthful Form".
Restores own health by 35% and Ki by 100.
Destroys all of your own cards and randomly draws 4 new ones.
Requirements: 5 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Demonic Majesty
Restores own Ki by 30.
Cancels enemy Buff Effects.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+3 to substitution count" for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+24% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga", "Tag: Regeneration", or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+32% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga", "Tag: Regeneration", or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Quest for Eternal Youth
Until one of the following conditions is met, your Main Ability will be sealed from battle start:
Possess 5 or more Dragon Balls when this character enters the battlefield.
30 timer counts have elapsed.
While this character is on the battlefield, reduces enemy's Dragon Balls by 1 when they switch characters (activates once).
Incite Evil
Applies the following effects to self from battle start until transformation:
+45% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 30% (cannot be cancelled).
The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield:
Draw a Special Arts Card next (activates twice).
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+25% to Damage Received" for 20 timer counts.
Special Move
Demonic Barrage
Deals major damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Quest for Eternal Youth
[Start of battle / Self]
+40% to damage inflicted for 2 turns (cannot be cancelled).
[End of 2nd turn / Transform / Multi-target]
+90% to own damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-20% to own damage received (cannot be cancelled).
+50% to own Special Move damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+15% to damage received".
Demonic Majesty
[Start of 2nd turn / Activate Special Action / Enemies in range]
・Cancels Buff Effects.
・Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+20% to damage received".
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+24% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga", "Tag: Regeneration", or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+32% to "Episode: Dragon Ball Saga", "Tag: Regeneration", or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Super Saiyan Broly
Super Saiyan Broly
Battle Style
Melee Type
Sagas From the Movies
Character Tag
Super Saiyan
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Eraser Cannon
Deals massive Explode damage.
Randomly destroys 3 enemy cards on hit.
Main Ability
Awakened Menace
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Gigantic Explosion" next.
Restores own Ki by 50.
+20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Gigantic Explosion
Deals massive Explode damage.
+30% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
A portion of the damage inflicted will also be dealt to enemy members on standby on hit (this cannot cause them to be defeated).
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Battle Sense
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 20 timer counts.
Nullifies own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions for 30 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+12% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+14% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+20% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
Unique Ability
Tyrannical Power
+30% to damage inflicted against "Tag: Son Family" (cannot be cancelled).
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
+60% to damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
Reduces damage received by 20% for 15 timer counts.
Gradually restores health each timer count for 60 timer counts.
-5 to Strike & Blast Arts costs for 10 timer counts.
+20% to Ultimate damage inflicted every time this character uses a Strike Arts Card (up to 80%).
Flow of Power
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-30% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" when battle starts (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 30% until combo ends when changing cover.
Knocks enemy back to long range if a cover change is performed against their Strike Arts attack (activates during assists).
Special Move
Eraser Cannon
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Gigantic Explosion
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Tyrannical Power
[On hit / Target is "Tag: Son Family" / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted (instant).
[Start of turn / Self]
・Restores health by 1%.
+50% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-20% to damage received for 1 turn.
[On Strike Arts attack / Self]
+10% to Ultimate damage inflicted.
Flow of Power
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / Health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[Start of 1st turn / Activate Special Action / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted for 2 turns.
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Attribute Downgrades twice".
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Abnormal Conditions twice".
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+12% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+14% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+20% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" max base Health during battle.
Android #21: Good
Android #21: Good
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Character Tag
Transforming Warrior
Special Move
Deals major Impact damage.
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation.
Main Ability
Please forgive me...
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Excellent Buffet" next.
Restores own health by 25% and Ki by 60.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 30 timer counts.
+1 to amount Special Cover Change can be used.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Excellent Buffet
Deals massive Impact damage.
The following effects occur according to the number of battle members upon activation:
3 battle members: +40% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
2 battle members: +50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts and inflicts all enemies with "No Switching" for 3 timer counts.
1 battle member: +70% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts and inflicts all enemies with "No Switching" for 3 timer counts.
Special Skill
Solar Flare
The following effects occur on hit:
Inflicts enemy with Flash.
Draw a Special Move Arts Card next (activates twice).
Restores own Ki by 50.
+15% to damage inflicted by allies for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Android" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+24% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike & Blast Attack and +15% to "Tag: Girls" base Blast Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike & Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Girls" base Blast Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Readiness for Battle
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
Changes Strike Arts Cards to Blast Arts Cards.
+60% to damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
Reduces damage received by 30% for 15 timer counts.
-5 to Blast Arts cost (cannot be stacked).
+10% to Blast damage inflicted every time another battle member is hit with an enemy's Strike, Blast, or Special Move Arts attack (up to 50%).
I'm more scared of seeing someone I love get hurt!
Receive zero damage when changing cover for the first time (activates during assists).
+2 to own substitution count when activated.
Applies the following effects to self when at least one allied character is defeated:
+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Applies Attribute Upgrade "shortens substitution count by 2" (cannot be cancelled).
Special Move
Deals major damage.
Ultimate Skill
Excellent Buffet
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Readiness for Battle
[Start of turn / Multi-target]
+40% to own Blast damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-15% to own damage received for 1 turn.
・Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Blast damage received" for 1 turn.
[Start of 2nd turn / Activate Special Action / Multi-target]
・Inflicts enemy with "Can't Attack" for 1 turn.
+30% to own Special Move damage inflicted.
I'm more scared of seeing someone I love get hurt!
[Before receiving a Strike, Blast, or Special Move Arts attack / health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[If at least 1 ally is defeated / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・+30 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Android" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+24% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike & Blast Attack and +15% to "Tag: Girls" base Blast Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike & Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Girls" base Blast Defense during battle.
Battle Style
Melee Type
Universe Survival Saga (S)
Character Tag
Universe 11
Powerful Opponent
Rival Universe
Special Move
Power Impact
Deals massive Explode damage.
+30% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Main Ability
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Overheat Magnetron" next.
Restores own health by 20% and Ki by 40.
+30% to Strike damage inflicted for 30 timer counts.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 30 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Overheat Magnetron
Deals massive Explode damage.
+50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "-80% to Health Restoration" for 40 timer counts.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Fatal Impact
The following effects occur on hit:
Destroys all of your own cards and randomly draws four new ones.
Restores Ki by 50.
Restores Vanishing Gauge by 100% (activates twice).
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with "No Switching" for 5 timer counts.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+24% to "Tag: Rival Universe" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+26% to "Tag: Rival Universe" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Rival Universe" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Rival Universe" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Best of the Best
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
+70% to Ki Recovery (cannot be stacked).
Gain Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's special actions that activate when changing cover" for 15 timer counts (activates twice).
Additional +50% to damage inflicted if there is one battle member (cannot be cancelled).
Gradually restores own health each timer count for 20 timer counts when this character is switched to standby.
Robust Body
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 20% (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces next damage sustained by 50%. This applies until enemy combo is finished.
Knocks enemy back to long range if a cover change is performed against their Strike Arts attack (activates during assists).
[Comboable Arts]
Special Move Arts
Special Move
Power Impact
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Overheat Magnetron
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Best of the Best
[Start of turn / Self]
+40% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+70 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[End of turn / Self]
・Restores health by 1%.
Robust Body
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / Health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[Start of battle / Self]
+40% to Strike damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-10% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
-20% to next damage sustained. Effect remains until hit with an enemy attack.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+24% to "Tag: Rival Universe" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+26% to "Tag: Rival Universe" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Rival Universe" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Rival Universe" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Battle Style
Defense Type
Universe Survival Saga (S)
Character Tag
Universe 9
Rival Universe
Special Move
Wolfgang Penetrator
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Bergamo the Crusher
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Triangle Danger Beam" next.
Restores own Ki by 40.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Triangle Danger Beam
Deals massive Impact damage.
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of battle members upon activation:
3 battle members: +70% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
2 battle members: +50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
1 battle member: +30% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Special Skill
Power Capture
Nullifies enemy attacks, excluding certain moves like Rising Rush.
The following effects occur when enemy attacks are nullified:
If enemy is at close range, they will be knocked back to long range.
+50% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Cancels enemy's Attribute Upgrades.
[Comboable Arts]
Strike Arts
Blast Arts
Special Move Arts
Ultimate Arts
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+12% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" max base Health during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+14% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" or "Element: RED" max base Health during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+18% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" or "Element: RED" max base Health during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+20% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" or "Element: RED" max base Health during battle.
Unique Ability
Limitless Power Level
Reduces damage received by 30% when battle starts (cannot be cancelled).
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of timer counts elapsed from battle start:
15 counts elapsed: +30% to Strike damage inflicted and -5 to own Arts costs (cannot be cancelled).
20 counts elapsed: +30% to Blast damage inflicted and increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level (cannot be cancelled).
30 counts elapsed: Restores health by 30% and +50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
You gave me a mighty blow!!
Applies the following effects to self every time when hit with an enemy's Strike, Blast, or Special Move Arts attack while this character is on the battlefield:
+20% to damage inflicted (up to 60%) (cannot be cancelled).
+20% to Ki Recovery (up to 100%) (cannot be cancelled).
Restores 20% of damage received after enemy attack is over (up to 20% of own Health).
Reduces damage received by 30% when changing cover.
Special Move
Wolfgang Penetrator
Deals major damage.
Ultimate Skill
Triangle Danger Beam
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Limitless Power Level
[Start of battle / Self]
-20% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
[According to battle turn / Self]
1st turn: +20% to damage inflicted.
2nd turn: +40 to Ki Recovery.
3rd turn: Restores health by 5% and +20% to damage inflicted.
You gave me a mighty blow!!
[Before receiving a Strike or Blast Arts attack / Self]
・Activates Special Action and nullifies attack (activates once).
[After activating Special Action / Multi-target]
+50% to own next Strike and Blast Arts damage inflicted.
・Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades.
[After receiving a Strike, Blast, or Special Move Arts attack / Self]
+10% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled) (activates three times).
・+10 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled) (activates three times).
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+12% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" max base Health during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+14% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" or "Element: RED" max base Health during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+18% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" or "Element: RED" max base Health during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+20% to "Episode: Universe Survival Saga (S)" or "Element: RED" max base Health during battle.
Goku Black
Goku Black
Battle Style
Ranged Type
"Future" Trunks Saga (S)
Character Tag
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Black Power Ball
Deals major Explode damage.
Destroys all of your own cards upon activation.
Increases Special Move damage inflicted based on the number of Arts Cards destroyed.
1 Card: +40% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
2 Cards: +70% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
3 Cards: +90% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Main Ability
As a reward, I'll show you how far I've come!
Transform into "Super Saiyan Rosé".
Restores own health by 25% and Ki by 20.
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Pitch-Black Fighting Spirit
Destroys all of your own Cards and randomly draws 3 new ones.
Restores own health by 10%.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+24% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Future" base Strike & Blast Attack and +15% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+33% to "Tag: Future" base Strike & Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Wicked Calamity
+25% to damage inflicted against "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" (cannot be cancelled).
Applies the following effects to enemy every time when faced with an enemy:
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+50% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+15 to Special Arts Cost" for 15 timer counts.
The Pain Etched in Me
Reduces enemy Ki by 5 every time when hit with an enemy's Strike or Blast Arts attack while this character is on the battlefield.
Applies the following effects to self every time an Arts Card is drawn while this character is on the battlefield:
Restores Ki by 10.
+10% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Special Move
Black Power Ball
Deals major damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Epitome of Sublime Beauty
[On hit / Target is "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" / Self]
+25% to damage inflicted (instant).
[Start of 2nd turn / Transform / Self]
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-15% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
・+70 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
The Pain Etched in Me
[Start of battle / Self]
・Applies Buff Effect "Restores 15% of damage received" (up to 15% of own health).
[Start of 3rd turn / Activate Special Action / Self]
+25% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+20% to next Special Move damage inflicted.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+24% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Future" base Strike & Blast Attack and +15% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+33% to "Tag: Future" base Strike & Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
Perfect Form Cell
Perfect Form Cell
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Cell Saga (Z)
Character Tag
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Psychokinesis Crash
Deals major Slice damage.
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-50% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" for 3 timer counts upon activation.
Main Ability
The Ultimate Android
Draw a Special Arts Card next.
+30% to Blast damage for 30 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 60 timer counts.
Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Glimpse of Power
Draw a Special Move Arts Card next (activates once).
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+50% to own Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled) (activates once).
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Android" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+26% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+34% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack and +20% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Shocking Resurrection
Transform into "Perfect Cell" with 100% health when own HP reaches 0.
Shortens own substitution count by 1 every time another battle member is hit with an enemy's Strike, Blast, or Special Move Arts attack (activates ten times).
*This effect will activate even after transforming as long as its activation count has not reached 0.
Perfected Power
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+30% to damage inflicted for 50 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted for 25 timer counts.
Restores own Ki by 30 when this character enters the battlefield.
Special Move
Psychokinesis Crash
Deals major damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Transformed Power-Up
[When own health reaches 0 / Transform with 100% health / Self]
+60% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+15% to Special Move Gauge charge rate (cannot be cancelled).
・Cancels Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.
*Once transformed, the transformation will remain even after the battle ends.
Unlimited Power
[On hit / Target is "Tag: Saiyan" or "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" / Self]
+25% to damage inflicted (instant).
[Start of 1st turn / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+30 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[Start of 2nd turn / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+15 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: Android" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+26% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+34% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Blast Attack and +20% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Defense during battle.
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Sagas From the Movies
Character Tag
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Calamity Blaster
Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-80% to Ki Recovery" for 10 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
You thought I was strong before... Watch this!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Sudden Storm" next.
Restores own health by 30% and Ki by 30.
Reduces enemy Ki by 40.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Sudden Storm
Deals massive Explode damage.
Applies the following effects to self upon activation:
+70% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 20% (cannot be cancelled).
+70% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-30% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" (cannot be cancelled).
Special Skill
Force Explosion
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts upon activation.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+5 to substitution count" for 5 timer counts on hit.
[Comboable Arts]
Strike Arts
Blast Arts
Special Arts
Special Move Arts
Ultimate Arts
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+22% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+26% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack and +22% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+32% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack and +26% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Omnipresent Watcher
Shortens allies' substitution counts by 1 when this character enters the battlefield.
Applies the following effects to allies other than this character from battle start for 60 timer counts:
+25% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+40% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled)
World-Eating Saiyan
The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield:
+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 20 timer counts.
Applies the following effects to self every time when faced with an enemy:
Randomly draws 1 new card when you have 3 or fewer cards.
-3 to Strike & Blast Arts costs for 10 timer counts.
Special Move
Calamity Blaster
Deals major damage.
Ultimate Skill
Sudden Storm
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Omnipresent Watcher
[On hit / Target is "Tag: Son Family" / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted (instant).
[Start of battle / Allied "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" or "Tag: Powerful Opponent" in range]
+25% to damage inflicted for 2 turns (cannot be cancelled).
・+40 to Ki Recovery for 2 turns (cannot be cancelled).
World-Eating Saiyan
[Start of 3rd turn / Activate Special Action / Multi-target]
+50% to own damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-20% to own damage received (cannot be cancelled).
・+30 to own Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
・Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+25% to damage received" (cannot be cancelled).
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+22% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+26% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack and +22% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+32% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack and +26% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Strike Attack during battle.
Fusion Zamasu
Fusion Zamasu
Battle Style
Ranged Type
"Future" Trunks Saga (S)
Character Tag
Fusion Warrior
God Ki
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Divine Wrath
Deals massive Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20 to Strike Arts cost" for 20 timer counts on hit.
Main Ability
Perhaps a further demonstration of my power...
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Lightning of Absolution" next.
Restores own health by 20% and Ki by 40.
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-100% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" for 15 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Lightning of Absolution
Deals massive Impact damage.
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of enemy battle members upon activation:
3 battle members: +30% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
2 battle members: +50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
1 battle member: +70% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Special Skill
Menacing God Ki
Reduces enemy Ki by 40.
Also randomly applies 2 of the following effects to self:
Restores Ki by 40.
+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Nullifies Attribute Downgrades for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Attack & Defense and +15% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+32% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Attack & Defense and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
Unique Ability
Eternal Radiance
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of timer counts elapsed from battle start:
15 counts elapsed: +40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
30 counts elapsed: Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level (cannot be cancelled).
50 counts elapsed: -5 to Arts costs (cannot be cancelled).
+30% to Blast damage inflicted against all characters except "Character: Zamasu" or "Character: Goku Black" (cannot be cancelled).
Almighty Immortal Fusion
Applies the following effects to self after enemy attack is over:
Gradually restores health each timer count for 30 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled) (up to 80%).
Reduces damage received by 40% until combo ends when changing cover.
Knocks enemy back to long range if a cover change is performed against their Strike Arts attack (activates during assists).
[Comboable Arts]
Special Move Arts
Special Move
Divine Wrath
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Lightning of Absolution
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Eternal Radiance
[According to battle turn / Self]
1st turn: +20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
2nd turn: -15% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
3rd turn: +20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Almighty Immortal Fusion
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / health is 30% or lower / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and nullifies attack (activates once).
[Start of 1st turn / Activate Special Action / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted.
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Attribute Downgrades twice".
[After receiving an attack / Self]
・Restores health by 2%.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Future" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Attack & Defense and +15% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+32% to "Tag: Future" or "Tag: God Ki" base Blast Attack & Defense and +18% to "Tag: Powerful Opponent" base Blast Attack during battle.
Omega Shenron
Omega Shenron
Battle Style
Melee Type
Shadow Dragon Saga (GT)
Character Tag
Fusion Warrior
Shadow Dragon
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Negative Karma Ball
Deals massive Explode damage.
+30% to Special Move, Awakened, and Ultimate damage inflicted by allies for 20 timer counts upon activation.
Main Ability
I promise to kill you at all costs!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Negative Karma Power Ball" next.
Restores own Ki by 30.
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Negative Karma Power Ball
Deals massive Explode damage.
+50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
A portion of the damage inflicted will also be dealt to enemy members on standby on hit (this cannot cause them to be defeated).
Special Skill
Gigantic Blaze
Inflicts all enemies with 3 substitution counts upon activation.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts on hit.
[Comboable Arts]
Strike Arts
Blast Arts
Special Move Arts
Ultimate Arts
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: GT" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
Apex Shadow Dragon
Increases own Dragon Balls by 1 when battle starts.
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
+30% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Reduces damage received by 20% for 15 timer counts.
+10% to damage inflicted per Dragon Ball you possess.
Effects reset when characters switch.
Shadow Dragon's Prowess
Applies the following effects to enemy when this character lands a Strike or Blast Arts hit:
20% chance to inflict Strong Poison.
20% chance to inflict Heavy Bleed.
10% chance to inflict Paralyze.
The following effects occur if a "Tag: GT" other than this character is a battle member:
+15% chance to inflict Strong Poison upon landing a Strike or Blast Arts hit.
+15% chance to inflict Heavy Bleed upon landing a Strike or Blast Arts hit.
The following effect also occurs if a "Tag: Shadow Dragon" other than this character is a battle member:
+20% chance to inflict Paralyze upon landing a Strike or Blast Arts hit.
Special Move
Negative Karma Ball
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Negative Karma Power Ball
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Apex Shadow Dragon
[Start of turn / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-20% to damage received for 1 turn.
[Start of turn / If there are 3 or more allied "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" remaining / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+40 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
Shadow Dragon's Prowess
[Start of battle / Self]
・Applies Buff Effect "Restores 20% of damage received" (up to 20% of own health).
[On Strike or Blast Arts attack / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
[On Strike or Blast Arts hit / Enemy]
・Inflicts Heavy Bleed for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: GT" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+28% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: GT" or "Tag: Regeneration" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Syn Shenron
Syn Shenron
Battle Style
Defense Type
Shadow Dragon Saga (GT)
Character Tag
Shadow Dragon
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Annihilation Gun
Deals major Explode damage.
A portion of the damage inflicted will also be dealt to enemy members on standby on hit (this cannot cause them to be defeated).
50% chance to reduce enemy's Dragon Balls by 1 on hit.
Main Ability
Ruler of the Shadow Dragons
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "-50% to Health Restoration" for 30 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+30% to Damage Received" for 30 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+10 to Special Arts cost" for 30 timer counts.
Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Dark Dragon-Slaying Bullet
Randomly draws 1 new card upon activation.
Restores own Ki by 30 on hit.
[Comboable Arts]
Strike Arts
Blast Arts
Special Arts
Special Move Arts
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Unique Ability
None of it seemed to hurt me.
Reduces damage received by 50% for 10 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.
Applies the following effects to self when own health reaches 0 (activates once):
Restores health by 25%.
Nullifies unfavorable Element factors for 30 timer counts.
Careful What You Wish For
Applies the following effects to self when an ally or enemy activates Rising Rush (activates once):
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+100% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
Special Move
Annihilation Gun
Deals major damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
None of it seemed to hurt me.
[Start of turn / Self]
+25% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-30% to damage received for 1 turn.
[After receiving an attack / Own health is 50% or below / Self]
・Restores health by 10% (activates once).
+40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled) (activates once).
・+70 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled) (activates once).
Careful What You Wish For
[Start of 2nd turn / Activate Special Action / Enemy]
・Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "-50% to Health Restoration" for 2 turns.
・Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+30% to damage received" for 2 turns.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+22% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: GT" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle.
Super #17
Super #17
Battle Style
Defense Type
Super #17 Saga (GT)
Character Tag
Fusion Warrior
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Flash Bomber
Deals major Impact damage.
+25% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation.
Flash Bomber
Deals major Impact damage.
+25% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation.
Main Ability
This ends now!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Electro Eclipse Bomb" next.
+50% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
This ends now!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Electro Eclipse Bomb" next.
Restores own Ki by 40.
+50% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Electro Eclipse Bomb
Deals massive Impact damage.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+10 to Strike Arts cost" for 20 timer counts on hit.
100% chance to inflict all enemies with Paralyze on hit.
Electro Eclipse Bomb
Deals massive Impact damage.
Cancels enemy Buff Effects upon activation.
Applies the following effects to all enemies on hit:
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+10 to Strike Arts cost" for 20 timer counts.
100% chance to inflict Paralyze.
Special Skill
Energy Absorption
Absorbs enemy Ki blast attacks.
The following effects occur when absorption is successful:
Restores own health by 10%.
Reduces damage received by 30% for 5 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Reduces enemy Ki by 50.
Energy Absorption
Absorbs enemy Ki Blast attacks.
The following effects occur when absorption is successful:
Restores own health by 10%.
Reduces damage received by 30% for 5 timer counts.
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Randomly destroys 1 enemy card.
Reduces enemy Ki by 50.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+21% to "Tag: Android" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: Android" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: GT" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: GT" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Zenkai Ability
Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+15% to base Strike Attack.
+15% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+25% to base Strike Defense.
+25% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+30% to base Strike Attack.
+30% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+40% to base Strike Defense.
+40% to base Blast Defense.
Unique Ability
Growing Energy
The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield:
Reduces damage received by 30% for 10 timer counts.
+30% to Blast damage inflicted per defeated enemy for 15 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted every time this character defeats an enemy.
Dr. Myuu's Absorption Equipment
Absorbs enemy Ki blast attacks when changing cover (Available during assists).
The following effects occur when absorption is successful:
Restores own health by 10%.
Reduces damage received by 30% for 5 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Reduces enemy Ki by 50.
While this character is on the battlefield, the following effects occur when enemy switches characters:
Draw a Special Arts Card next (activates three times).
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+10 to Strike Arts cost" for 10 timer counts.
Growing Energy
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Reduces damage received by 30% for 15 timer counts.
Additional +30% to Blast damage inflicted per defeated enemy for 20 timer counts.
+20% to damage inflicted every time this character defeats an enemy (cannot be cancelled).
Dr. Myuu's Absorption Equipment
Absorbs enemy Ki Blast attacks when changing cover (activates during assists).
The following effects occur when absorption is successful:
Restores own health by 10%.
Reduces damage received by 30% for 5 timer counts.
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Randomly destroys 1 enemy card.
Reduces enemy Ki by 50.
The following effects occur when enemy switches characters while this character is on the battlefield:
Draw a Special Arts Card next (activates three times).
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+10 to Strike Arts cost" for 10 timer counts.
Unsettling Smirk Get with Adept Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character:
3 timer counts: Restores own Ki by 40.
5 timer counts: Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+15% to Damage Received" for 20 timer counts.
10 timer counts: Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+10% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.
Culmination of Advanced Technology Get with Powerful Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self after enemy attack is over:
Restores health by 10% (activates three times).
+15% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled) (activates three times).
-3 to Blast Arts cost (cannot be cancelled) (activates three times).
Special Move
Flash Bomber
Deals major damage.
Flash Bomber
Deals major damage.
Ultimate Skill
Electro Eclipse Bomb
Deals massive damage.
Electro Eclipse Bomb
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Growing Energy
[Start of turn / Self]
+20% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-30% to damage received for 1 turn.
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Abnormal Conditions twice".
Dr. Myuu's Absorption Equipment
[Before receiving a Ki Blast attack / Self]
・Activates Special Action and absorbs attack (activates once).
[After activating Special Action / Self]
+40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・+50 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
[On Ultimate Arts hit / Enemies in range]
・Inflicts "Can't Attack" for 1 turn.
Growing Energy
[Start of turn / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
-30% to damage received for 1 turn.
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Abnormal Conditions twice".
Dr. Myuu's Absorption Equipment
[Before receiving a Ki Blast attack / Self]
・Activates Special Action and absorbs attack (activates once).
[After activating Special Action / Self]
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・+50 to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
[On Ultimate Arts hit / Enemies in range]
・Inflicts "Can't Attack" for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+21% to "Tag: Android" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: Android" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+30% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: GT" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+35% to "Tag: Android" or "Tag: GT" base Strike & Blast Defense during battle.
Tournament of Power Zenkai Ability
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+15% to base Strike Attack.
+15% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+25% to base Strike Defense.
+25% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+30% to base Strike Attack.
+30% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: GRN" and "Tag: GT" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+40% to base Strike Defense.
+40% to base Blast Defense.
Super Saiyan God Vegeta
Super Saiyan God Vegeta
Battle Style
Melee Type
Sagas From the Movies
Character Tag
Vegeta Family
God Ki
Super Saiyan God
Special Move
God Heat Flash
Deals major Impact damage.
+15% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts upon activation.
God Heat Flash
Deals massive Impact damage.
+25% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts upon activation.
Main Ability
Power Manifest
+40% to Strike damage inflicted for 25 timer counts.
-5 to own Strike Arts cost for 25 timer counts.
Requirements: 5 timer counts must elapse.
Power Manifest
+40% to Strike damage inflicted.
-5 to own Strike Arts cost for 60 timer counts.
Gradually restores own health each timer count for 30 timer counts.
Requirements: 5 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
Reduces next damage sustained by 10%.
This applies until enemy combo is finished.
+15% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
Reduces next damage sustained by 20%. This applies until enemy combo is finished.
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+22% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+23% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Zenkai Ability
Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+15% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+15% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+25% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+25% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+30% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+30% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+40% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+40% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Unique Ability
The Strongest Warrior Race
When this character enters the battlefield, +50% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts if own health ratio is higher than enemy's.
Cross-Armed Guard
Reduces damage received by 40% until combo ends when changing cover.
Applies Strike & Blast Arts armor when changing cover, and if enemy is at close range, they will be knocked back to long range (Available during assists).
+5 to own substitution count when activated.
[Arts with Pursuit]
Special Move Arts
The Strongest Warrior Race
Applies the following effects to self if own health ratio is higher than enemy's when this character enters the battlefield:
Draw a Strike Arts Card next.
Restores Ki by 30.
+50% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Cross-Armed Guard
Reduces damage received by 40% until combo ends when changing cover.
Applies Strike & Blast Arts armor when changing cover, and if enemy is at close range, they will be knocked back to long range (activates during assists).
+3 to own substitution count when activated.
[Comboable Arts]
Special Move Arts
Rising Fighting Spirit Get with Adept Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self after enemy attack is over:
Restores health by 10% (activates twice).
+30% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 15 timer counts (cannot be stacked).
Courageous Warrior Ablaze in Red Get with Powerful Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
+20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 10% (cannot be cancelled).
+50% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
Special Move
God Heat Flash
Deals major damage.
God Heat Flash
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
The Strongest Warrior Race
[Start of turn / According to own remaining health / Self]
[Own health is 75% or above]
+40% to Strike damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+30 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[Own health is 75% or lower]
+50% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+40 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
Cross-Armed Guard
[Before receiving a Strike or Blast Arts attack / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and -50% to own damage received until opponent's attack ends (activates once).
[After receiving an attack / Self]
+10% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
The Strongest Warrior Race
[Start of turn / According to own remaining health / Self]
[Own health is 75% or above]
+50% to Strike damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+30 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[Own health is 75% or lower]
+50% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+50 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
Cross-Armed Guard
[Before receiving a Strike or Blast Arts attack / Allies in range]
・Performs a cover change and -60% to own damage received until opponent's attack ends (activates once).
[After receiving an attack / Self]
+15% to damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+15 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+22% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+23% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: God Ki" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Tournament of Power Zenkai Ability
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+15% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+15% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+25% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+25% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+30% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+30% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: YEL" and "Tag: God Ki" during battle:
+40% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+40% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Super Saiyan Broly
Super Saiyan Broly
Battle Style
Ranged Type
Sagas From the Movies
Character Tag
Super Saiyan
Powerful Opponent
Special Move
Planet Crusher
Deals massive Explode damage.
Randomly destroys 2 enemy cards on hit.
Cannot be nullified by most other Special Moves.
Planet Crusher
Deals massive Explode damage.
Applies the following effects to enemy on hit:
Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+15% to Blast Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.
Randomly destroys 2 cards.
Cannot be nullified by most other Special Moves.
Main Ability
Uncontrollable Anger
Transform into "Full Power".
Restores own health by 20%.
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Uncontrollable Anger
Transform into "Full Power".
Restores own health by 20%.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Special Skill
Energy Rampage
+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts upon activation.
Reduces enemy Ki by 50 & inflicts Forced Switching on hit.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Energy Rampage
+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts upon activation.
The following effects occur on hit:
Reduces enemy Ki by 50 and inflicts Forced Switching.
Reduces damage received by 15% for 10 timer counts.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+26% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+30% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
Zenkai Ability
Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+15% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+15% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+25% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+25% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+30% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+30% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+40% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+40% to base Blast Defense.
Unique Ability
Destruction's Aim
Nullifies own unfavorable Element Factors for 10 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield (activates twice).
The following effects occur according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character (up to 2 levels):
5 counts: Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level.
15 counts: Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 2 levels.
Effect resets after character switch or transformation.
Clash of Powers
The following effects occur according to the amount of damage taken in proportion to own max Health after enemy attack is over:
5% to 35%: +20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
35% or more: +40% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Destruction's Aim
Nullifies own unfavorable Element factors for 10 timer counts every time this character enters the battlefield (activates twice).
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character (up to 2 levels):
3 counts: Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level.
12 counts: Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 2 levels.
Effect resets after character switch or transformation.
Clash of Powers
Applies the following effects to self according to the amount of damage taken in proportion to own max Health after enemy attack is over:
5% to 30%: +20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
30% or more: +40% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Barbaric Onslaught Get with Adept Class Awakening Panel
+5% to Blast damage inflicted for 10 timer counts every time this character uses a Blast Arts.
Applies the following effects to self every time an enemy uses a Strike Arts while this character is on the battlefield:
+10% to Strike damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-15% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" for 10 timer counts.
Insurmountable Opponent Get with Powerful Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
Restores Ki by 20.
+30% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
-3 to Blast Arts cost for 10 timer counts.
Special Move
Planet Crusher
Deals massive damage.
Planet Crusher
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
Destruction's Aim
[Start of 1st turn / Self]
-15% to damage received for 1 turn.
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Abnormal Conditions twice".
[Start of 2nd turn / Transform / Self]
+40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-10% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
Energy Rampage
[End of 2nd turn / Activate Special Action / Multi-target]
・Inflicts enemy with "Can't Attack" for 1 turn.
+20% to own damage inflicted.
・Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to damage received" for 1 turn.
Destruction's Aim
[Start of 1st turn / Self]
-15% to damage received for 1 turn.
・Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies Abnormal Conditions three times".
[Start of 2nd turn / Transform / Self]
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
-10% to damage received (cannot be cancelled).
Energy Rampage
[End of 2nd turn / Activate Special Action / Multi-target]
・Inflicts enemy with "Can't Attack" for 1 turn.
+20% to own damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・Inflicts Attribute Downgrade "+30% to damage received" for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+26% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+30% to "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" base Strike & Blast Attack during battle.
Tournament of Power Zenkai Ability
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+15% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+15% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+25% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+25% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+30% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+30% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: PUR" and "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+40% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+40% to base Blast Defense.
Super Saiyan Bardock
Super Saiyan Bardock
Battle Style
Melee Type
Anime Original Sagas
Character Tag
Super Saiyan
Team Bardock
Special Move
Revolt Pile
Deals major Pierce damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-1 Arts Card Draw Speed level" for 15 timer counts on hit.
80% chance to inflict Heavy Bleed on hit.
Revolt Pile
Deals major Pierce damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-1 Arts Card Draw Speed level" for 15 timer counts on hit.
100% chance to inflict Strong Bleed on hit.
Main Ability
No, You're Gonna Die!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Revenge Assault" next.
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 15 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
No, You're Gonna Die!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Revenge Assault" next.
+40% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 15 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Revenge Assault
Deals major Impact damage.
Restores own Ki by 30 upon activation.
Revenge Assault
Deals massive Impact damage.
Applies the following effects to self upon activation:
Restores Ki by 60.
Restores Vanishing Gauge by 100%.
Special Skill
Enraged Saiyan
Restores own health by 10% and cancels own Attribute Downgrades.
Enraged Saiyan
Restores own health by 10% and Ki by 30.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades.
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Defense during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+23% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Zenkai Ability
Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+15% to base Strike Defense.
+15% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+25% to base Strike Attack.
+25% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+30% to base Strike Defense.
+30% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+40% to base Strike Attack.
+40% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Unique Ability
The Beginning of a Legend
The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield if a "Tag: Super Saiyan" other than this character is a battle member:
+30% to damage inflicted.
-5 to own Strike and Blast Arts cost.
+40% to own Ki Recovery.
Effects reset after character switch.
The Golden Saiyan
Applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Super Saiyan" when this character is switched to standby.
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+30% to Critical Rate for 15 timer counts.
+70% to Critical damage for 15 timer counts.
The Beginning of a Legend
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield if there is a "Tag: Super Saiyan" battle member other than this character in the party:
+40% to damage inflicted.
-5 to Strike Arts cost.
-10 to Blast Arts cost.
+70% to Ki Recovery.
Effects reset after character switch.
The Golden Saiyan
Applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Super Saiyan" when this character is switched to standby:
+25% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
+30% to Critical Rate for 15 timer counts.
+70% to Critical damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Cross-Dimensional Awakening Get with Adept Class Awakening Panel
+10% to damage inflicted every time another battle member is hit with an enemy's Strike, Blast, or Special Move Arts attack (up to 50%).
I hope you're ready... Get with Powerful Class Awakening Panel
Reduces damage received by 20% when this character enters the battlefield (cannot be stacked).
Applies the following effects to self once 50 timer counts have elapsed from battle start:
+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level (cannot be cancelled).
+30% to Health Restoration (cannot be cancelled).
Special Move
Revolt Pile
Deals major damage.
Revolt Pile
Deals major damage.
Ultimate Skill
Revenge Assault
Deals major damage.
Revenge Assault
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
The Beginning of a Legend
[Start of turn / If there is another allied "Tag: Super Saiyan" remaining / Self]
+40% to Strike damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+50 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
The Golden Saiyan
[End of turn / If there is another allied "Tag: Super Saiyan" remaining / Allied "Tag: Super Saiyan" in range]
+30% to Critical Rate for 1 turn.
+30% to Critical damage inflicted for 1 turn.
The Beginning of a Legend
[Start of turn / If there is another "Tag: Super Saiyan" character in your team / Self]
+50% to Strike damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+50 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
The Golden Saiyan
[End of turn / If there is another "Tag: Super Saiyan" character in your team / Allied "Tag: Super Saiyan" in range]
+50% to Critical Rate for 1 turn.
+40% to Critical damage inflicted for 1 turn.
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+19% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+21% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+23% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: Super Saiyan" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Tournament of Power Zenkai Ability
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+15% to base Strike Defense.
+15% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+25% to base Strike Attack.
+25% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+30% to base Strike Defense.
+30% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: BLU" and "Tag: Saiyan" during battle:
+40% to base Strike Attack.
+40% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Super Gogeta
Super Gogeta
Battle Style
Melee Type
Sagas From the Movies
Character Tag
Super Saiyan
Otherworld Warrior
Fusion Warrior
Special Move
Soul Punisher
Deals massive Explode damage.
20% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
Soul Punisher
Deals massive Explode damage.
+25% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
20% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
Main Ability
I'm Gonna Take You Down!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Judgment" next.
Restores own health by 20%.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
I'm Gonna Take You Down!
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Judgment" next.
Restores own health by 20% and Ki by 20.
+30% to damage inflicted for 30 timer counts.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Ultimate Skill
Deals massive Explode damage.
Restores own Ki by 50 upon activation.
Deals massive Explode damage.
Applies the following effects to self upon activation:
Restores Ki by 50.
+50% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Special Skill
Just Give Up
Counter will activate upon enemy's Tap Attack, Tackle, or Strike Arts attack while in fighting pose.
Once the counter is activated, cancels enemy's attribute upgrades & buff effects,
and +20% to own Strike damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.
Just Give Up
Seals enemy's Blast Arts upon activation. The sealed Arts cannot be used for 5 timer counts.
Counter will activate upon enemy's Tap Attack, Tackle, or Strike Arts attack while in fighting pose.
The following effects occur when counter activates:
+50% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Cancels enemy's Attribute Upgrades & Buff Effects.
[Comboable Arts]
Strike Arts
Blast Arts
Special Move Arts
Ultimate Arts
Z Ability
Z Ability I
+17% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+20% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack during battle.
Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+22% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Zenkai Ability
Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+15% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+15% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+25% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+25% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+30% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+30% to base Blast Defense.
Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+40% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+40% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Unique Ability
Ultimate Fusion
+10% to own Strike Arts damage for 10 timer counts upon landing a Strike Arts hit.
+10% to own Blast Arts damage for 10 timer counts upon landing a Blast Arts hit.
I'll Avenge You
+20% to damage inflicted per defeated battle member.
+50% to Ki Recovery when allied "Character: Pikkon" is defeated.
Ultimate Fusion
Applies the following effects to self upon landing a Strike or Blast Arts hit:
+20% to Strike Arts damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+20% to Blast Arts damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
-2 to Arts cost for 5 timer counts.
I'll Avenge You
Applies the following effects to self per defeated battle member:
+20% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+30% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
+60% to Ki Recovery when allied "Character: Pikkon" is defeated.
Divine Energy Get with Adept Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:
Reduces damage received by 15% (cannot be cancelled).
Applies Buff Effect "Nullify Abnormal Conditions up to 3 times".
Power That Surpasses Time Get with Powerful Class Awakening Panel
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
Restores Ki by 20.
+50% to damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 15 timer counts.
Special Move
Soul Punisher
Deals massive damage.
Soul Punisher
Deals massive damage.
Ultimate Skill
Deals massive damage.
Deals massive damage.
[Tournament of Power] Abilities
I'm Gonna Take You Down!
[Start of battle / Self]
+30% to damage inflicted.
+20% to Strike damage inflicted.
+20% to Blast damage inflicted.
Ultimate Fusion
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / Self]
・Activates Special Action and nullifies attack (activates once).
[After activating Special Action / Multi-target]
+20% to own damage inflicted.
・Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades and Buff Effects.
[Start of turn / Per defeated ally / Self]
+5% damage inflicted for 1 turn.
・+5 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn.
I'm Gonna Take You Down!
[Start of battle / Self]
+40% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+25% to Strike damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
+25% to Blast damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Ultimate Fusion
[Before receiving a Strike Arts attack / Self]
・Activates Special Action and nullifies attack (activates once).
[After activating Special Action / Multi-target]
+20% to own damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
・Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades and Buff Effects.
[Start of turn / Per defeated ally / Self]
+10% damage inflicted for 1 turn (cannot be cancelled).
・+10 to Ki Recovery for 1 turn (cannot be cancelled).
[Tournament of Power] Z Abilities
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability I
+17% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability II Limit Break to ★3 to Enhance
+20% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability III Limit Break to ★6 to Enhance
+22% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
[Tournament of Power] Z Ability IV Limit Break to ★7+ to Enhance
+25% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Strike Attack & Defense during battle.
Tournament of Power Zenkai Ability
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability I Unlock with Awakening Rank I
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+20% to base Strike Attack.
+15% to base Blast Attack.
+20% to base Strike Defense.
+15% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability II Upgrade with Awakening Rank III
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+25% to base Strike Attack.
+20% to base Blast Attack.
+25% to base Strike Defense.
+20% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability III Upgrade with Awakening Rank V
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+35% to base Strike Attack.
+30% to base Blast Attack.
+35% to base Strike Defense.
+30% to base Blast Defense.
[Tournament of Power] Zenkai Ability IV Upgrade with Awakening Rank VII
Increases the following stats of characters that are both "Element: RED" and "Tag: Fusion Warrior" during battle:
+40% to base Strike Attack.
+35% to base Blast Attack.
+40% to base Strike Defense.
+35% to base Blast Defense.
Important Notes
  • You can switch between Regular Stats and Tournament of Power Stats using the tabs above character details.
  • The character details are for Limit Break ★7+ and Godly Class.
  • Zenkai Awakening information is for Awakening Rank VII.
    Tournament of Power Stats are exclusive to the Tournament of Power.
  • Z Abilities can be upgraded by reaching a certain Limit Break level.
  • Zenkai Abilities can be upgraded by reaching a certain Awakening Rank.
    Tournament of Power Z Abilities can be upgraded by reaching a certain Limit Break level.
    *Check Menu > Other > Help > Characters for more details.
  • Event content, as well as Event start and end dates, may change without prior notice.
  • The time listed in the News may be adjusted depending on the timing of the maintenance on that day.
  • This Summon can be used by consuming Chrono Crystals.
  • Characters in this Summon may return in the future.
  • Please restart the app if this Summon does not appear even after its scheduled start time.
  • "Daily discount" is not available for this Summon.
  • Character Z Power can be acquired through this Summon. Please note that characters will not appear directly.
  • It's possible to receive duplicate Z Powers, or Z Powers of characters other than Featured Characters from this Summon.
    For details, please check the in-game Summon screen > Z Power List.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team