
Let Us Know Your Opinion! Player Survey Notice

06/03/2021 01:00 AM (CDT) ~ 06/17/2021 09:59 AM (CDT)
We hope everyone is enjoying the 3rd Anniversary celebrations so far!
In order to provide an even better experience for our players, we've decided to conduct a survey!
The survey will be split into two parts--Part 1 and Part 2.
You'll receive 250 Chrono Crystals for each survey you answer, giving you the chance to get 500 in total, so be sure to take part!
*Part 1 is currently underway. Part 2's start date will be announced on our Official Social Media accounts and in-game at a later date.

Part 1 Period

6/3/2021 - 6/17 2:59pm (UTC) (Scheduled)
Please Note
  • Survey rewards will be sent to the account corresponding to the player ID entered in the survey.
  • Rewards are scheduled to be sent out at the end of June.
  • Rewards will be sent to your in-game Gift Box.
  • Please note that if your player ID is entered incorrectly, you may not be able to obtain your rewards.
  • You can check your user ID by going to Menu > Status.
We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.
Dragon Ball Legends Management Team