
I'm putting all of our hope into this one blast!

I'm putting all of our hope into this one blast!
Unique equipment. Grants a slot effect to the equipped character if they have met certain conditions.
Slot 1 Base Health 8~15%(11.5%)(13.6%)
Base Strike Defense 20~40%(30%)(36%)
Base Blast Defense 20~40%(30%)(36%)
Health Restoration 5~15%(10%)(13%)
Slot 2 Base Strike Attack 20~40%(30%)(36%)
Base Blast Attack 20~40%(30%)(36%)
Inflicted Damage 10~30%(20%)(26%)
Special Move Damage 5~15%(10%)(13%)
Base Ki Recovery 20~40%(30%)(36%)
Slot 3
Restores own Ki by 10 when this character enters the battlefield.(0%)(0%) - OR -Restores own Ki by 20 when this character enters the battlefield.(4.5%)(4.5%) - OR -Restores own Ki by 30 when this character enters the battlefield. Applies the following effects to self when the Switch Ability is activated with "Trunks": Draw a Blast Arts Card. Restores Ki by 30. Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 5 timer counts.(5%)(5%)

Rank Calculator

Slot 1
Base Health %
Base Strike Defense %
Base Blast Defense %
Health Restoration %
Slot 2
Base Strike Attack %
Base Blast Attack %
Inflicted Damage %
Special Move Damage %
Base Ki Recovery %
Slot 3
Restores own Ki by 10 when this character enters the battlefield.
Restores own Ki by 20 when this character enters the battlefield.
Restores own Ki by 30 when this character enters the battlefield. Applies the following effects to self when the Switch Ability is activated with "Trunks": Draw a Blast Arts Card. Restores Ki by 30. Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 5 timer counts.
Drop Locations