
Guild Battle

In Guild Battle, up to 60 total players from two guilds that meet a season's requirements compete over a base by maneuvering their units across the board.

Guilds will also compete in the Guild Battle Ranking based on the number of battle victories and Guild Battle Points obtained from various actions taken during battle. Better rankings will result in better rewards.
You can check the ranking information for the current season from "Ranking".
*There are participation requirements for the rankings.
*When viewing the rankings, keep in mind that placement corresponds to the time the data was compiled, and thus may not always be up to date.

Guild Battle Participation Requirements

Guilds must fulfill the following requirements by the start of the Participation Time Selection period in order to participate in the Guild Battle.
・The guild's tier meets or exceeds the participation requirement
・The number of guild members meets or exceeds the participation requirement
*Participation requirements may change depending on the season.

Fulfilling the requirements will allow all guild members to participate in the Guild Battle.

Guild Feature Restrictions

While a guild is participating in Guild Battle, the following features will be restricted:

・Disband Guild
・Join Guild
・Withdraw From Guild
・Kick Member
・Guild Entry Settings

Guild Battle Period

Guild Battle is made up of the following periods:
The main Guild Battle screen can be accessed from when the initial announcement is posted until 14 days after the season ends.

・Participation Time Selection
・Guild Battle
・Contribution Ranking Tally
・Guild Battle Item Exchange

■Participation Time Selection
The members of a guild that fulfills the requirements to participate in Guild Battle can vote on the time they will participate in the battles held every day during the Guild Battle period.

Each member can vote on a participation time only once during this period.
The participation time will be decided by the majority.
*The participation times being voted on will determine the battle time for the entire Guild Battle period.
*Votes for a participation time cannot be changed or retracted once submitted.

If the voting results in a tie, the participation time will be decided by the following:
1. The participation time voted on by the Guild Master
2. Of the tied time slots, the participation time with the earliest final vote

If no guild members vote, the participation time will be automatically chosen.
Members who did not vote during the period cannot vote, but they may still participate in battles.

■Guild Battle Period
Battles will occur once every day at the time decided by vote during the Participation Time Selection period for a total of 5 battles.
Matchmaking to select the rival guild will also occur during this period.
Matchmaking will select a guild that is the same or similar in terms of battles won and Guild Battle Points obtained during the current season.
The rival guild changes every day and the following stats will be set to default values:
・Unit Health
・Unit Special Move Gauges

■Contribution Ranking Tally Period
The Contribution Ranking Tally period lasts from the start of the Participation Time Selection period until the start of the Round 5 period.
Contribution is earned by exchanging certain items for Guild Battle Coins during the period.
*Unused Guild Battle Coins will be discarded at the end of the season.

■Guild Battle Item Exchange Period
The Guild Battle Item Exchange period lasts from the start of the Participation Time Selection period until the end of the Round 5 period.
Guild Battle Items can be exchanged for with Guild Battle Coins during this period.
*You may be unable to use Guild Battle Items before the season ends in certain situations, such as if the battle for your guild's participation time has already finished or a battle has ended early.
*Unused Guild Battle Items will be discarded at the end of the season.


Guild Battle has both a Guild Battle Ranking and a Contribution Ranking. The tally period and details differ between these two rankings.

■Guild Battle Ranking
The Guild Battle Ranking is based on battles won and Guild Battle Points obtained during the Guild Battle period.
The Guild Battle Ranking is divided into the following parts:

・Guild Battle Ranking (Guild)
This ranking applies to guilds participating in Guild Battle.
Each Guild Tier has its own ranking. Which ranking a guild falls under will depend on its Guild Tier.
Guilds are ranked on total battles won and guild battle points obtained throughout the season.

Guild Battle Ranking (Guild) is the only ranking with rewards based on placement.
The Guild Icons and nameplates of top ranking guilds will be changed until the end of the following Guild Battle season.

Ranking rewards will be distributed after the final ranking tally.
Guild Battle Ranking (Guild) rewards can be obtained from the main guild screen or Guild Battle screen within 14 days after the Guild Battle ends.
*Even if you join another guild after the Guild Battle ends, you will be able to collect the rewards from the specified screens during this period.

・Guild Battle Ranking (Within Guild)
This ranking applies to members within a guild.
Guild members are ranked based on Guild Battle Points earned in each battle and throughout the season.
Rewards cannot be obtained through Guild Battle Ranking (Within Guild).

This Guild Battle Ranking can be joined by exceeding a set number of Guild Battle Points, depending on the section of the rankings.
*Check "Ranking" for info on each Guild Battle Ranking during the season.
*When viewing the rankings, keep in mind that placement corresponds to the time the data was compiled, and thus may not always be up to date.

■Contribution Ranking
The Contribution Ranking is a ranking based on contribution earned from exchanging for Guild Battle Coins during the Contribution Ranking Tally period.
Rewards cannot be obtained from the Contribution Ranking.

The Contribution Ranking is divided into the following sections:

・Contribution Ranking (Individual)
This ranking applies to players participating the Guild Battle.
Individual players are ranked on total contribution earned throughout the season.

・Contribution Ranking (Within Guild)
This ranking applies to the guild members in your guild.
Guild members are ranked based on their contribution throughout the season and for each battle.

This Contribution Ranking can be joined by obtaining a certain amount of contribution.
*Check "Ranking" for info on each Contribution Ranking during the season.
*Contribution obtained will reset every season.
*When viewing the rankings, keep in mind that placement corresponds to the time the data was compiled, and thus may not always be up to date.

Guild Battle Point

Guild Battle Points are obtained through actions taken during a battle and its results.
They are separated into "guild" and "individual" points, and the method to obtain each is different.
*Guild Battle Points obtained will reset every season.

■Guild-wide Guild Battle Points
These Guild Battle Points are obtained through the following methods:
・Guild members obtaining Guild Battle Points
・Occupied Panels Bonus
*Obtained only once during battle by occupying a predetermined number of event panels.
・Continued Occupation Bonus
*Obtained by continuously occupying certain event panels.

■Individual Guild Battle Points
These Guild Battle Points are obtained through the following methods:
・Guild Battle Item Selection
・First Occupy Bonus
*Obtained by occupying a panel that has not been occupied before.
・Battle with Rival Guild units
・Victory against the Rival Guild
*In battles between multiple players, points will only be obtained for battles you personally win.

Guild Battle Coin

Guild Battle Coins are a type of item provided by all guild members and used by all guild members to exchange for Guild Battle Items.

Guild Battle Coins can be added from the start of the Participation Time Selection period until the start of the Round 5 period.
At any time during the period above, regardless of whether a battle is being held or not, Guild Battle Coins can be exchanged for from the exchange screen accessible from the Guild Battle screen.
Guild Battle Coins can be added by exchanging certain items.

Information about Guild Battle Coins used or added by guild members can be viewed from the history in the dedicated exchange shop.

*Guild Battle Coins are provided by all guild members and used by all guild members.
*As such, the Guild Battle Coins that you provide can be used by both you and other guild members.
*Guild Battle Coins will be discarded when the Guild Battle season ends. Please make sure to use them during the season.
*Please be aware that Guild Battle Coins are non-refundable.
*The hold limit for Guild Battle Coins is 999,999.

Guild Battle Items

Guild Battle Items are items exclusive to Guild Battle that give positive effects to all members participating in the battle.
Guild Battle Items can be exchanged for from the start of the Participation Time Selection period until the end of the Round 5 period.
Guild Battle Coins are required to exchange for Guild Battle Items.

Guild Battle Items have a maximum combined hold limit.
Multiple of the same Guild Battle Item can be owned, however items cannot exceed the maximum combined hold limit.
Guild Battle Items can be selected during the Item Selection periods that occur during specific turns.
Once the final Item Selection period of Round 5 has passed, selection will no longer be possible.
The effects of all items selected to be used by guild members will activate during the Item Activation period following the Item Selection period.
Item effects are either temporary or last for 1 turn.
*Guild Battle Coins are a resource shared among all members of a guild.
*Please be aware that Guild Battle Coins are non-refundable.
*Guild Battle Items will be discarded at the end of the Guild Battle season. Please make sure to use them before the season ends.
*You cannot exchange for Guild Battle Items if the hold limit has been reached.
*The hold limit for the total number of Guild Battle Items is not dependent on item type.
*Guild Battle Items cannot be selected when on the starting point.
*The effects of items used by guild members will not be received when on the starting point.
*You may be unable to exchange for Guild Battle Items if the exchange period for the Guild Battle Coins used to exchange for them is over.
*You may be unable to use Guild Battle Items in certain situations dependent on timing, such as if the battle for your participation time has already finished or the Guild Battle has ended early.

Information about the items exchanged for by guild members can be viewed from the history in the dedicated exchange shop.

There are 5 types of Guild Battle Items.

・Health Restore
An item that restores health to guild member designated Battle Team MAIN characters after the end of the Item Selection period.
*Also applies to defeated characters.
*Does not apply to SIDE characters.
*Character health cannot be restored beyond the maximum.
*Bonus health will not be restored.

・MP Restore
An item that restores MP to guild member units.
*MP cannot be restored beyond the maximum.

・Attack Boost
An item that increases the base Strike & Blast Attack of guild member units.
*There is no limit for this stat increase.

・Defense Boost
An item that increases the base Strike & Blast Defense of guild member units.
*There is no limit for this stat increase.

・Movement Speed Boost
An item that increases Ki Recovery for guild member units.
*There is no limit for this stat increase.

Guild Battle Item Exchange

This is the Guild Battle Item Exchange.
You can exchange Guild Battle Coins for Guild Battle Items here.
Information about the items exchanged for by guild members can be viewed from the history in the dedicated exchange shop.
The Guild Battle Item Exchange Shop is available from the start of the Participation Time Selection period until the end of the Round 5 period.

Guild Battle Team Formation

■Unit Formation
Guild Battle uses a specific unit formation called a "unit".
Similar to Tournament of Power, a "team" will consist of 6 MAIN characters and 2 BACKUP characters.
A unit is made up of 2 of these teams.
Only characters with rarity EXTREME or above can be included.
HERO characters cannot be included. However, Shallot (DBL00-01) is an exception.
Character stats and the Equipment they can use will be the same as in Tournament of Power.

■Shared Characters
One of the characters will be a "shared character". The shared character is included in both teams and will be displayed as an icon on the board.

Each character in a unit has their own health.
The health of characters will decrease when they take damage during battle, and if it reaches 0, they will be defeated and can no longer be used in the battle.
If the health of all members of a battle team reaches 0 during battle, excluding those on standby, this will result in a loss.
If the health of all members does not reach 0, the team with the higher percentage of damage dealt will be declared the victor.
Be aware that the shared character's health remains the same for both teams.
The health gauge displayed for the unit on the board is the total health of the MAIN characters of the battle team.

■Ki Recovery
Like Tournament of Power, each character has Ki Recovery.
The total Ki Recovery of the MAIN characters in each team will affect the order of actions in Guild Battle.
*Total Ki Recovery excludes the Ki Recovery of defeated characters.

Total Ki Recovery will affect the following:
・The order of priority when an event occurs after moving to a panel
・The order of battles between multiple players

The Ki Recovery of individual characters will affect the following:
・The order of actions during battle

■Confirming Formations
A formation can be freely edited until you move to the board, but once you do so, it will be fixed for the season.
In addition to the characters and their Equipment, status information, such as levels, limit breaks, etc. and the slot details and effects of Equipment, will be fixed as well.
Once fixed, stat changes from upgrades to characters or Equipment will not be reflected.
*If Shallot is included, customization will be fixed as well.

After the formation is fixed, you can only swap the MAIN and BACKUP characters for each team, change character placement, and change Attack Arts.
Also, during the Item Selection and Destination Selection periods, you can tap your own unit on the board to check its details and swap MAIN and BACKUP characters, change character placement, change Attack Arts, and switch between teams.

Battle Participation and Victory Conditions

■Battle Participation Requirements
Move to another panel on the board from the starting point to begin participating in battle.
You cannot take the following actions before joining battle:
・Battle with rival guild units
・Guild Battle Item selection

■Battle Victory Conditions
The guild that occupies the base in the middle of the board for the most turns is the winner of the battle.
*If on the final turn the two guilds are tied, then the last guild to occupy the base is the winner.
*If neither guild occupied the base, then it will result in a loss for both guilds.

If the rival guild would be unable to force a tie by occupying the base for all of remaining turns, the battle will end.
Once the battle has been decided, turns will not progress and you will not be able to use items or move.
All participating members of the winning guild will receive Guild Battle Points as a Win Turns Bonus based on the number of turns it took to obtain victory, and if the battle was decided within a specific number of turns, then it will be counted as a Complete Victory, which will award even more Guild Battle Points.

Guild Battle Flow

■Battle Flow
The battle will progress automatically in "turns".
Both guilds' turns will progress at the same time.

Turns consist of the following actions in order:

・Item Selection (specific turns only)
You can select the Guild Battle Items you want to use.
There are no restrictions on the number of Guild Battle Items that can be used during the Item Selection period.

・Item Activation (specific turns only)
The effects of the Guild Battle Items selected by all guild members during the Item Selection period will activate.
Guild Battle Item effects apply to all guild members participating in the battle.

・Destination Selection
Select which panel you want to move to and confirm your path.
Movement range is limited by the amount of MP you currently have.
During Destination Selection, you can check the path taken to the panel you have chosen.
*The path which consumes the least amount of MP will be chosen automatically.
*If several paths are available, you may select between them.
*You can choose a destination that other players have already chosen.
*Some panels cannot be selected or moved to.
*Once you have selected a destination, you cannot change it.

MP is consumed and units move towards the panel chosen during the Destination Selection period.
Units move all at once, one panel at a time, and if you clash with the rival guild during or at the end of movement, a battle will begin.
Once all units have finished moving, if you have moved to a panel that can be occupied, you will occupy it.

You can check the results for information on panels occupied and the outcomes of battles.
Once your guild or the rival guild has met the victory conditions, the battle will end.
If a winner cannot be determined, it will proceed to the next turn.
*If the last turn ends and neither guild has met the victory conditions, then it will result in a loss for both guilds.

The Board and Panels

■The Board and Panels
Guild Battles take place on a board made up of multiple panels.

In addition to the base, there are various kinds of panels.
*The board's contents will be the same for all participants each Guild Battle period.

■About Panels
Some panels have Placement Bonuses like in the Tournament of Power.
When a battle occurs, the positions of the characters in each battle team will affect the outcome.

There are panels that are passable and those that are impassable.
If a panel is impassable, it cannot be selected as a destination and it will not be included in the path.

Further, among panels that are passable, there are those that can be occupied and those that cannot.
After moving onto an occupiable panel, it can be occupied after all units have finished moving.

Occupying panels can cause advantageous events to occur.

There are mainly two types of non-occupiable panels.
1. Panels with no event
2. Panels for which occupation is restricted

When a panel has no event,
being on it at the end of movement will not confer any benefits.
When occupation is restricted,
events may occur, but the rival guild's units will be unable to enter,
or both guilds will be unable to occupy it.

■Types of Event Panels
The following types of event panels exist:

- Base (occupiable)
There is only 1 of this type of panel on the board. Occupying it for more turns than the rival guild will result in victory.
If this panel is occupied once all movement ends, the "Turns with Base Occupied" count will begin.
Occupying the base will earn Guild Battle Points, and while it is occupied, units on the base will receive a Base Bonus.
Only the first player from each guild to occupy the base can earn Guild Battle Points.
Re-capturing it will not award additional Guild Battle Points.

While the base is occupied, it can be selected as a respawn point.
If a unit from the occupying guild loses a battle on the base, they will be forced to respawn at the designated respawn point.
If a unit from the guild that is not occupying the base loses a battle on the base, a respawn point other than the designated respawn point can still be selected.
The Base Bonus will be lost if the base is lost.

- Base Area (non-occupiable)
Special panels surrounding the base that cannot be occupied.
Members within the base area will receive the Base Area Bonus when their guild occupies the base.
The Base Area Bonus will be lost if the base is lost.

- Starting Point (non-occupiable)
Each guild possesses one of these panels.
Move off of this panel to begin participating in the battle.
Because you are not participating while on this panel, the following restrictions apply:
- Guild Battle Items cannot be selected for use
- The effects of Guild Battle Items used by guild members cannot be received
- Gigantic Battles will not be joined, even if the battle area includes the starting point

After moving off of the starting point, you cannot move back onto it.
You cannot move onto the rival guild's starting point.

- Camp (occupiable)
Occupying a camp will award Guild Battle Points, and it can then be selected as a respawn point for after losing a battle.
The farther a camp is from your guild's starting point, the greater the Guild Battle Points will be for occupying it, but the lower a unit's starting health will be after respawning.
If the rival guild occupies a camp, or neither guild does, it cannot be selected as a respawn point.
Only the first player from each guild to occupy a camp can earn Guild Battle Points.
Re-capturing one will not award additional Guild Battle Points.

- Respawn (occupiable)
Occupying a respawn will award Guild Battle Points, and they can be selected as a respawn point after losing a battle.
Each panel will restore unit health by a different amount upon respawning.
If the rival guild occupies a respawn, or neither guild does, it cannot be selected as a respawn point.
Only the first player from each guild to occupy a respawn can earn Guild Battle Points.
Re-capturing one will not award additional Guild Battle Points.

- Designated Respawn Point (non-occupiable)
Each guild possesses a designated respawn point.
Only units from the guild that possesses this panel can move onto it.
Units on this panel will not join Gigantic Battles.
If a respawn point has not been selected, units will respawn here.

- Recovery (occupiable)
Occupying a recovery panel will award Guild Battle Points and restore Battle Team designated MAIN character health by a fixed amount.
*Also applies to defeated characters.
*Does not apply to SIDE characters.

Each panel will restore health by a different amount.
Bonus health, such as from the Base Bonus, will not be restored.
Only the first player across both guilds to occupy a recovery panel can earn Guild Battle Points and restore health.
Re-capturing one will not award additional Guild Battle Points or restore health.

- Bonus (occupiable)
Occupying a bonus panel will award Guild Battle Points.
Only the first player from each guild to occupy a bonus panel can earn Guild Battle Points.
Re-capturing one will not award additional Guild Battle Points.

Movement and Battle

During Destination Selection, the areas you can move to with your current MP will be highlighted. Multiple players can move onto a single panel regardless of the guild they belong to.
*Certain panels cannot be moved to.
MP is required to move to a panel at the rate of 1 MP per panel.

MP can be restored in the following ways:
- Letting turns pass
- Using an MP Restore
*MP has an upper limit and cannot be restored in excess of that limit.

During Destination Selection, you can check the path taken to the panel you have chosen.
*The path which consumes the least amount of MP will be chosen automatically.
*If several paths are available, you may select between them.

After all units have finished moving, if a unit is on an occupiable panel, it can be occupied. An occupied panel's event will be triggered if certain conditions are met.
If multiple units from the same guild are on a panel, the occupying player will be determined with the following priority:
1. The player who used the least amount of MP during the turn
2. The player with the highest total Ki Recovery based on the MAIN characters in their battle team at the start of the "Movement" phase
*Total Ki Recovery excludes the Ki Recovery of defeated characters.

During the "Movement" phase, units move all at once, one panel at a time, and if a unit from the rival guild is encountered during or after movement, a battle will occur. Each unit's battle team will participate in the battle. If 3 or more players between both guilds are on a panel when battle occurs, the units whose battle teams have the highest total Ki Recovery will battle first.

Battles play out automatically, like when using the Tournament of Power's Auto Mode. Characters with the highest Ki Recovery will attack first. Victory occurs when, after 4 offenses and defenses, the MAIN characters in the rival guild's battle team have all been reduced to 0 health. If not all of the characters on one of the teams were reduced to 0 health, then the team with the higher percentage of damage dealt is the winner.

Guild Battle Points can be earned by winning battles. If a battle occurred during movement, movement will continue after it is over.
*Multiple battles can occur during movement.
When battling multiple units from the rival guild, battles will occur until you have defeated them all, or you have lost.

After losing a battle, you will move to a respawn point during the next turn's Item Selection or Destination Selection periods. If a battle is lost during movement, only the MP used up until that point will be consumed.

While selecting your destination, if you choose a panel containing a unit from the rival guild, you can view a simulation of the results if a battle were to occur.

*The following are not included in the simulation's calculations:
- Tournament of Power Equipment
- Soul Boost

*Depending on unit movement, the simulated battle may not actually occur.
*Various factors may influence the actual results of a battle, such as if a player changes the positions of their battle team or if bonus health shared between guild members is lost during other battles.

Gigantic Battles

If 4 or more players between both guilds are on a panel when battle occurs, it will become a Gigantic Battle. Gigantic Battles have a battle area, and all units on panels within that battle area will join the fight. Placement Bonuses and bonus health are determined by the panel a unit is on when the battle occurs.
*Certain panels cannot be a part of the battle area.

Battles will occur until all of one of the participating guild's battle teams have been defeated. The units whose battle teams have the highest total Ki Recovery at the start of the "Movement" phase will battle first in a knockout competition. All units that lose in a Gigantic Battle will respawn from a respawn point.
*Total Ki Recovery excludes the Ki Recovery of defeated characters.

The guild that wins a Gigantic Battle will take over all of the panels in the battle area that were occupied by their opponent.
*Like occupation due to unit movement, occupation due to a Gigantic Battle will begin after all movement has ended.
*Panels in the battle area cannot be occupied due to subsequent, overlapping Gigantic Battles or the movements of opposing units before occupation begins.


After losing a battle, you can respawn the following turn at one of these panels:

- The designated respawn point
- Another respawn point (when occupied by your guild)
- The base (when occupied by your guild)
- A camp (when occupied by your guild)

Unit health will be restored by a fixed amount upon respawning.
*Different respawn locations will restore different amounts of health.
*You will receive the benefits of Health and MP Restore items even if you have not yet respawned.

If a guild occupies multiple potential respawn locations, one can be selected during the Item Selection or Destination Selection periods.
*If one is not selected, you will be automatically respawned at the designated respawn point.

If a unit from the occupying guild loses a battle on the base, they will be forced to respawn at the designated respawn point.
If a unit from the guild that is not occupying the base loses a battle on the base, a respawn point other than the designated respawn point can still be selected.

Bonus Health

Bonus health is additional health shared among guild members.
If there is bonus health remaining, damage taken by a character will be applied to the bonus health.
Bonus health will not be restored by panel recovery events or Guild Battle Items.

The following types of bonus health exist:

- Base Bonus
Bonus health that is applied to the guild that occupies the base.
This bonus health only applies to units when they are fighting on the base.
*If occupation continues, the remaining health of the Base Bonus will be carried over.
*If the base is re-captured, the full bonus health will be applied.

- Base Area Bonus
Bonus health that is applied to the guild that occupies the base.
This bonus health only applies to units when they are fighting in the base area.
*If occupation continues, the remaining health of the Base Area Bonus will be carried over.
*If the base is re-captured, the full bonus health will be applied.

- Panel Occupation Bonus
Bonus health that is applied when a guild has occupied more than a certain number of panels.
The level of this bonus changes according to the number of event panels occupied, which affects how much bonus health is applied.
The Panel Occupation Bonus applies to units in battle.
*The following event panels do not count towards the number of panels occupied.
- The base area
- The starting point
- The designated respawn point
*When the level of the Panel Occupation Bonus changes, the maximum bonus health for the new level will be applied.

Capture the base to receive the Base Bonus and Base Area Bonus and gain an edge when battling on the base or in the base area.
If the rival guild takes the base, capture lots of event panels and gain a Panel Occupation Bonus to fight back.

Checking Info on the Board

When the board is freely viewable, the following information is available.

- Messages
Send and receive messages exclusive to Guild Battle.
*Messages cannot be sent repeatedly. There is a limit to the number of messages in a given period.

- Participating Player Info
Select a guild's icon to view its achievements during the guild event and view the info of participating players.
Info about participating players can also be viewed from the "Participants" button.

- Player Detailed Info
Tap and hold a unit on a panel, check a guild's details, or check the participating player info to find more detailed info about a player.
*When multiple units are on a panel, you will be able to choose different players from the list of units displayed.

Various information can be viewed, from the amount of Guild Battle Points that player has earned during the current battle, to their MP and the positions, remaining health, and Special Move Gauges of their characters.

- Panel Info
Select a panel to view detailed info about it.
This includes info about its events, the occupying guild, and the Placement Bonuses that will apply when a battle occurs.

- Ranking Info
Select the "Ranking" button to view info about the Guild Battle Ranking and Contribution Ranking.
*When viewing the rankings, keep in mind that placement corresponds to the time the data was compiled, and thus may not always be up to date.

Data Updates During Guild Battle

The game will transition to the title screen if an update occurs during a Guild Battle.
In such a case, any destinations selected, Guild Battle Items scheduled for usage, or other actions selected directly before transitioning to the title screen may not be correctly applied.

If the time for performing actions during a turn ends before an action has been selected, you will not act during that turn.
During the Guild Battle period, please be sure to check the News or the Guild Battle screen for the Guild Battle Period Details and ensure you have plenty of time to make your selection.